Presenter Resources

This area of the expo features conference presenters' publications, previous presentations, and other resources. This page provides presenters a place to showcase their work and additional documents for participants to explore.

Chris McBride
Spinal Cord Injury British Columbia (SCI BC)

What does an accessible Canada mean to you?
Chris has written several blog posts for the Spinal Cord Injury BC website, including this post on accessibility in Canada. In this post Chris writes about proposed legislative changes at the federal level.

Webinar presentation to the BC Knowledge Translation Community of Practice
In this video, presented on Oct 9, 2014, Chris discusses knowledge translation in relation to Spinal Cord Injury BC.

Colleen Ryan
Harvard University

Impact of Cognition on Burn Inpatient Rehabilitation Outcomes
This article is a retrospective study on how cognitive function affects rehabilitation outcomes for individuals with a burn injury.

The Trauma Handbook of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Ron Saunders
Institute for Work & Health

Synthesizing Occupational Health and Safety Knowledge for Local Stakeholders
This report describes a study funded by the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB Manitoba) in 2014. Called Evidence in Context for Occupational Health & Safety (EC-OHS)

Unionized construction firms see fewer serious injuries
Ron and his team produced the research that led to this article on injuries at unionized construction firms.

Jennifer Flagg
Center on KT for Technology Transfer (KT4TT), University at Buffalo

Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits
Jennifer authored the introduction and was the editor in chief for this Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) journal.This issue begins with two scholarly articles reviewing some of the long-standing issues in the area of assistive technology outcomes measurement.

Technology Transfer Planning Template
This presentation was given in Arlington Virginia on July 14th, 2016. Jennifer presented the secion on the Technology Transfer Planning Template starting on slide 39.

Lewis Kazis
Boston University

Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life in Rural and Urban Veterans
This article aims to examine what disparities in health-related quality of life exist between veterans who live in rural settings and those in urban or suburban areas.

Measurement Comparisons of the Medical Outcomes Study and Veterans SF-36® Health Survey
This study compares the Medicare Health Outcomes SF36 survey to slightly different Veterans Health Administration version.

Mary Slavin
Boston University

Development and Initial Evaluation of the Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index
This paper aims to describe the calibration of the Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index (SCI-FI) and report on scales within each content domain.

Computerized Adaptive Tests Detect Change Following Orthopaedic Surgery in Youth with Cerebral Palsy
In this article the authors focus on the Cerebral Palsy Computerized Adaptive Test (CP-CAT). The study examines whether the Lower Extremity or Mobility CP-CAT detects change in mobility after othopaedic surgery in children with Crebral Palsy.

Colleen Ryan
Harvard University

Objective Estimates of the Probability of Death from Burn Injuries
Risk factors and probability estimates of death after an acute burn injury are examined in this retrospective review.

The Metabolic Basis of the Increase in Energy Expenditure in Severely Burned Patients
This article examines the underlying metabolic events that accompany increased energy expenditure as a result of severe burn trauma.

Jeffery Schneider
Harvard University

Challenges to the Standardization of Burn Data Collection: A Call for Common Data Elements for Burn Care
The objective of this article is to examine common data elements (CDEs) collected by burn databases. These data are assessed in qualitative and quantitative formats.

Satisfaction with Life over Time in People with Burn Injury: A National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research Burn Model System Study
This article examines participants' satisfaction with life (SWL) over time after a burn-related surgery.

Allen Heinemann
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

An Item Bank to Measure Systems, Services, and Policies: Environmental Factors Affecting People With Disabilities
The main outcome of this article is an item bank used to evaluate environmental access and support services, systems and policies for people with disabilities.

Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR)
This website outlines the projects conducted by the CROR.

Linda Ehrlich-Jones
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Lunch and Learn with Linda S. Ehrlich-Jones, PhD – Practical Applications for Motivational Interviewing to Encourage People with OA to Make Behavior Changes
This is a 30 minute, no cost, webinar featuring Linda Ehrlich-Jones. Included are the PowerPoint slides, speaker profile, and a YouTube video.

Use of the Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) in Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Example
This is a case study that describes the use of the Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH).

Diane Finegood
Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University

Practical strategies to mobilise knowledge in complex systems
This resource is a 58 minute YouTube from the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre.

The need for a complex systems model of evidence for public health
This article argues the need for a complex systems model of evidence for public health. Research funding and strategies are discussed.

David Gough
EPPI-Centre, UK

Justifiable Evidence Claims: evidence standards to inform decision making
This is a 10 slide presentation that was given on June 27, 2017.

The Work of the EPPI-Centre
This presentation was given in 2013 and was a partnership between the Center on KTDRR and the EPPI-Centre and gives an overview of the scope and work of the EPPI-Centre.

Mark Carrigan

Emma Uprichard: Most big data is social data – the analytics need serious interrogation
This transcribed conversation between Mark Carrigan and Emma Uprichard discusses metadata, methodological genocide, and the sustainability of methodological pluralism.

The Politics of Data
This series of articles explores the role of data and algorithms in research and society.

Melanie Barwick
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)

Knowledge Translation Training and Tools
Melanie's website training webpage features several resources including the Knowledge Translation Planning Templates, E-Learning Moduels, and a KT Game.

Melanie's YouTube Channel
Melanie's YouTube channel features five videos relating to implementation in a variety of settings.