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1. Citation: Shea, B., Hamel, C., Wells, G., Bouter, L., Kristjansson, E., Grimshaw, J., Henry, D., & Boers, M. (2009).  AMSTAR is a reliable and valid measurement tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 62, 1013-1020.  doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.10.009
Title: AMSTAR is a reliable and valid measurement tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews
Author(s): Shea, J.
Hamel, C.
Wells, G.
Bouter, L.
Kristjansson, E.
Grimshaw, J.
Henry, D.
Boers, M.
Year: 2009
Journal/Publication: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Abstract: This study evaluates three major instruments that can be used to grade the quality of a systematic review.  The Overview of Quality Assessment Questionnaire (OQAQ), the Sacks' instrument, and a newly developed measurement tool AMSTAR were used.  A random sample of 30 out of 150 possible systematic reviews were selected from those used to develop the instrument.  11 Studies were from Cochrane, and 19 were non-Cochrane, chosen from a verity of medical fields.  The AMSTAR tool was shown to have good agreement, reliability, construct validity, and feasibility to assess the quality of the systematic reviews.  The authors also note that this tool may require a broader use of reviews, from various researchers, to gain a more detailed assessment.

Type of Item: Measurement Instrument
Type of KT Strategy: Systematic Review Synthesis/Framework
Target Group: Research Funders
Evidence Level: 4
Record Updated:2013-07-18