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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

Found 1 entry matching your search criteria.

1. Citation: Kindelan‐Calvo, P., Gil‐Martínez, A., Paris‐Alemany, A., Pardo‐Montero, J., Muñoz‐García, D., Angulo‐Díaz‐Parreño, S., & La Touche, R. (2014). Effectiveness of Therapeutic Patient Education for Adults with Migraine. A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Pain Medicine15(9), 1619-1636.
Keywords: Behavioral Treatment, Therapeutic Education, Migraine, Meta-Analysis, Systematic Review, Headache Disability, Headache Frequency
Abstract: This systematic review aimed at reviewing the effectiveness of therapeutic patient education for migraine, It identifies 14 randomized control trials for a systematic review, of which 9 are included in the meta-analysis. The authors find moderate-strong evidence for intermediate-term effectiveness of patient education on headache frequency, headache disability and quality of life. There is no evidence, however, for short- or intermediate-term effects of patient education on self-efficacy or depressive symptomatology.
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Record Updated:2017-02-06

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