FOCUS Technical Brief Number 31.

Description of Figure 1: Flow of included Studies

Figure 1 is a flow chart showing the process of the database search. A series of boxes and arrows depicts the flow, starting with (1) the number of studies assessed for eligibility (N=3,200). Next (2) is the number of studies excluded after judging the study titles and abstracts (n=2,800). Following (3) the potentially relevant studies are a listing of (4) inclusion and (5) exclusion criteria, (6) the final number of studies included for meta-analysis (n=22), and (7) the number of studies dropped (n=157).

(1) The top box contains the "Number of studies assessed for eligibility (Total N=3022)." An arrow from the bottom of the box connects to a circle in the middle of the page.

(2) The box to the upper left has an arrow to the right that connects to the arrow under the top box. This box lists the criteria for "Studies excluded after judging the study titles and abstracts" (n=2,800).

(3) The arrow from under the top box ends at a circle in middle of page: "Potentially relevant studies identified and screened for full text retrieval."

Below this circle there are two arrows, one pointing to a box on the lower left and the other pointing to a box on the lower right.

(4) The box on lower left (below "potentially relevant studies") lists the Inclusion Criteria:

(5) The box on lower right (below "potentially relevant studies") lists the Exclusion Criteria:

(6) An arrow below the Inclusion Criteria box points to a smaller box, "Total Studies Included for Meta-Analysis: n=22."

(7) An arrow below below the Exclusion Criteria box points to a smaller box "Dropped Studies: n=157"

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