FOCUS Technical Brief Number 34.
Tracking Evidence of Knowledge Use Through Knowledge Translation, Technology Transfer, and Commercial Transactions

Description of Figure 1: Logic Model Chain of Events and Measures

Graphic of a flow chart, moving from left to right. The chart begins with the first box titled "Input." Under the word "input" are two bullet points. The first bullet point reads: "Funding awarded" and the second reads: "Money expended."

An arrow then leads to the second box: "Activities." Two bullet points follow under this title. The first bullet point reads: "Faculty/staff employed" and the second reads: "Students trained."

From the second box, an arrow leads to the third box. This box is titled "Output." Under the word "Output" are three bullet points. The first: "Publication," the second: "Presentation", and the third: "Patents filed or awarded."

From the third box, an arrow leads to the fourth box: "Use KT or TT to reach target research users." Under this title, there is one bullet point: "Other researchers."

An arrow leads from the fourth box to the fifth. The fifth box is titled "Short-term outcomes" and has one bullet point: "Bibliometrics."

An arrow from the fifth box leads to the sixth: "Mid-term outcomes." Under this title, there are two question marks. A box with the words: "Stakeholder application of knowledge" is located directly above and connected with a heavy line to each the fifth and sixth boxes, indicating the relationship between short-term outcomes, mid-term outcomes, and stakeholder application of knowledge.

An arrow leads from the sixth box to the seventh and final box. This box is titled: "Longer-Term Outcomes." Two question marks are placed under this title.

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