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KT Update

VOLUME 11, NUMBER 3   |   May 2023 

An e-newsletter from

Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)


NIDILRR Grantees: Knowledge Translation Technical Assistance Network Call May 17

Please note this event is for National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) grantees and their staff only.

Join the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (Center on KTDRR) for its spring 2023 Knowledge Translation (KT) Technical Assistance (TA) Network call! We will use the time for a presentation from our consultant Dr. Tanya Horsley explaining her upcoming July workshop, “Systematic, Scoping and Rapid Reviews: Exploring Similarities, Differences and Tradeoffs”; give you updates about the Center on KTDRR activities, including its upcoming fall 2023 online KT conference; and answer any questions you have.

Date and time: Wednesday, May 17, 2022, 4–5 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Location: Zoom

Register now

We will have CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) and an ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter at the event.

KT Conference Call for Submissions

2023 Annual KT Conference Call for Submissions. Deadline to Submit: June 1, 2023

Do you have experience in tailoring your research findings or products for specific user audiences? We want to hear from you! Please consider submitting to present at the online knowledge translation conference sponsored by the Center on KTDRR.
The submission deadline is June 1, 2023 (midnight Eastern Time).

The Center on KTDRR is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and NIDLRR grantees are given preference.

Conference Theme:
Tailoring Your Knowledge Translation Strategies for Your Intended Users

Conference Abstract:
Any knowledge translation (KT) approach calls for carefully thinking about the users who can benefit from the information you have to share. Ideally, you’ve been developing your research, product, or program in close collaboration with your intended users. That way, perhaps you already know how best to reach them. But what about when your audience includes those who are harder to reach and too often not taken into account in traditional KT strategies? People living in rural areas, who are unhoused or do not speak or read the language dominant in their communities merit additional tailoring of products and outreach methods to benefit from research. New relationships may need to be forged so informational exchange can be grounded in trust. This conference invites presenters to share their experiences and insight for peer-to-peer learning and discussion.

Where: The conference will take place entirely online.
When: November 6, 8, and 10, 2023, 1–4 p.m. (Eastern Time), each day

There is no charge to submit, present, or attend.

To submit an idea for a presentation, please visit

If you have any questions, please email

Online Workshop
Systematic, Scoping and Rapid Reviews:
Exploring Similarities, Differences & Tradeoffs

Join us from 1–3 p.m. (Eastern Time), on July 11 and 13, for a two-part workshop exploring evidence syntheses, the emergence of multiple methods, implications of this for authors, and an in-depth discussion of three common methods: systematic, scoping, and rapid syntheses. Participants will have the chance to engage in a risk of bias assessment and critically appraise examples of each approach as a component of the workshop.

Registration is open!

Workshop activities include

  • discussion of the differences among three common review approaches (systematic, scoping, and rapid);
  • discussion of the methodological affordances and tradeoffs of each approach; and
  • participants’ engagement in active, applied learning, including risk of bias assessment and mapping method to research question.
Dr. Tanya Horsley

Dr. Tanya Horsley, PhD, MBA, is the associate director of Research at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and faculty in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa. Prior to joining the Royal College, she was a scientist at the Chalmers Research Institute and completed a postdoctoral fellowship, with a focus on systematic review and meta-analysis, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta. She completed her Master of Business Administration at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa (2018).

Dr. Horsley leads an emerging program of research in medical education, specifically examining the formalization of integrated KT for the cocreation, use, and influence of research and complex systems of care, with a particular focus on multistakeholder engagement and organizational contexts. She is dedicated to improving the standards for reporting research and has coauthored several internationally recognized reporting guidelines. In addition, she has authored nearly 90 peer-reviewed publications and regularly presents at national and international conferences.

Ask an Expert!

Planning on doing a systematic review or other type of research synthesis? In addition to the July workshop, the Center on KTDRR has engaged Dr. Horsley to provide no-cost, one-on-one TA to NIDILRR grantees. You can ask her for support as you make decisions about the nature, purpose, and value of common synthesis approaches, including systematic, scoping, realist, and traditional reviews. Email: to request a consultation.

Changes Are Coming to Your Google Analytics

Did you know that your Google Analytics is changing? On July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics (Google’s current measurement system) will no longer process new website or smartphone app data, and organizations are strongly encouraged to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) as soon as possible. Check out the Center on KTDRR’s new video to learn more about this change and the benefits of switching to GA4 before the July 1 deadline. 

Google Analytics 4

Want to See It Again? Archive Now Available: “Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Experimental Designs”

Archives are now available for the Center on KTDRR’s most recent webcast, a part of the Campbell Collaboration’s 2023 Webinar Series. The archives include a captioned audio/video file, a transcript, and accessible presentation materials, as well as a brief evaluation survey to gather feedback. In “Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Experimental Designs: An Overview of Current Synthesis Methods,” Dr. Mariola Moeyaert provides state-of-the-art methods in meta-analysis of single-case experimental designs and an overview of contemporary approaches to effect-size estimation and meaningful aggregation in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The Center on KTDRR cosponsored the event for our research synthesis webcasts (see all KTDRR Webcast Archives:


KT Update Wants to Hear from YOU!

Do you have any upcoming public meetings, conference notices, articles, reports, or other resources that you would like the Center on KTDRR to share with the broader KT community? If so, let us know! Please email Felice Trirogoff ( with a brief description (150 words or less), as well as any related and accessible images, relevant URLs, and grantee contact information.

Follow the Center on KTDRR on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates.

Questions? Email KTDRR at


Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)

The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant award numbers 90DPKT0010 and 90DPKT0001 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

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