American Institutes for Research

KT Update

An e-newsletter from the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Vol. 4, No. 6 - July 2016


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The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant number 90DP0027 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Copyright © 2016 by American Institutes for Research

KTDRR Represents at
What Works Global Summit

Drs. Carlton Fong and Cindy Cai will present a paper, Translating Research to Practice from Campbell Systematic Reviews on Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities: Case Examples of Knowledge Translation, at the upcoming What Works Global Summit, taking place in London, Sept. 26–28, 2016. Below is a description of the presentation:

This presentation will highlight findings from recent systematic reviews in the field of disability research with a focus on knowledge translation. Evidence from published Campbell Collaboration systematic reviews from the Disability Subgroup will be discussed, followed by case studies on how the research can be mapped onto areas of practice and policy. Presenters will walk through case examples of knowledge translation using a variety of strategies. For example, rubrics that evaluate the relevance of the systematic reviews for policy and practice will emphasize the prominence (or lack thereof) in synthetic evidence in disability research. Topics will range from psychological interventions and vocational rehabilitation that span a variety of populations such as cancer survivors and individuals with autism spectrum disorders or physical disabilities.

KT Conference Registration Reminder!
2016 Online KT Conference:
Communication Tools for Moving
Research to Practice

The Center on KTDRR sponsors an annual Online KT Conference for NIDILRR-funded grantees and others, by invitation. This conference is designed to address strategies in the planning and implementation of effective and efficient KT approaches. The 4th Online Conference will take place on October 24, 26, and 28, 2016. Check back to the 2016 Conference Home Page for daily topics, speakers, our draft agenda, and more.


Technical Assistance for Systematic Reviews

The Center on KTDRR is able to provide targeted technical assistance to researchers conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses on topics related to disability, independent living and rehabilitation, with priority given to NIDILRR grantees. These services may include help with problem formulation, developing a search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, conducting a comprehensive and systematic literature search, developing a codebook, effect size extraction, and synthesis. If you are conducting such a review, please contact Ryan Williams or visit KTDRR's Technical Assistance pages.

KTER Center Focus Groups

The KTER Center is hosting two focus groups! Please consider sharing the invitations below with your networks.

Are you an adult with autism who works or has looked for work? You may be interested in our study of adults who received services from vocational rehabilitation (VR) counselors to find and keep employment. Researchers at the KTER Center (Knowledge Translation for Employment Research Center) invite you to participate in a research study related to looking for work while living with a disability. If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please go to the following link and complete our registration. If you participate in the focus group, you will receive a gift card as a thank you for your time.

Transition Aged Youth
Are you 18–24 years of age and have a disability? You may be interested in our study of young adults who received services from vocational rehabilitation counselors to find and keep employment. Researchers at the KTER Center (Knowledge Translation for Employment Research Center) invite you to participate in a research study related to looking for work while living with a disability. If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please go to the following link and complete our registration. If you participate in the focus group, you will receive a gift card as a thank you for your time.

KTER Center Webinar: Offering Tailored Technical Assistance
as a Knowledge Translation Strategy

Tuesday August 30 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Central.

Ryan Williams, PhD., Research Director for the Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research, will present findings from a study testing a knowledge translation strategy among a business-oriented audience.

Study participants had supervisory authority, worked in human resources, or were professionals, such as vocational rehabilitation counselors, whose responsibilities could involve supporting employees with cancer in the workplace.

The study tested whether an offer of follow-up technical assistance helped to sustain knowledge gains and promote application among individuals who attended a webcast and received other informational resources about cancer survivors' employment issues and the reasonable accommodations process. The presentation will also describe business outreach planned in the KTER Center's new award cycle, which will focus on collaboration with the National Employment Team (NET) of the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR).

We have applied for 1 hour of CRC Credit for this webcast.

MSKTC Recruitment Story:
Veterans and Caregivers of Veterans

The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) is recruiting veterans and caregivers of veterans to participate in an IRB-approved study about their health information needs related to traumatic brain injury. Participants receive a $75 gift card for taking part in the study, which involves a 1-hour phone interview. The MSKTC is a federally funded center that provides free online resources for people with traumatic brain injury (

Please contact or call 202-403-5600 if interested.

Listing of Recent Systematic Reviews in Disability and Rehabilitation

Bakas, T., Clark, P. C., Kelly-Hayes, M., King, R. B., Lutz, B. J., Miller, E. L., & American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing and the Stroke Council. (2014). Evidence for stroke family caregiver and dyad interventions: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association. Stroke; a Journal of Cerebral Circulation, 45(9), 2836-2852. doi:10.1161/STR.0000000000000033
Performs a critical analysis of 17 caregiver intervention studies and 15 caregiver/stroke survivor dyad intervention studies to provide evidence-based recommendations for the design and implementation of future studies of stroke family caregiver and dyad interventions.
PMID: 25034718

Davies, L. E., & Oliver, C. (2014). The purported association between depression, aggression, and self-injury in people with intellectual disability: a critical review of the literature. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 119(5), 452-471. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-119.5.452
The aim of this review is to evaluate research reporting on the correlation between challenging behavior, specifically aggression and self-injury, and depression, in people with an intellectual disability. The authors see this as a first step toward evaluating whether challenging behaviors might be considered as depressive equivalent symptoms. They find that the associations between depression and aggression, and depression and self-injury, are equivocal and that the results of existing studies are open to validity threats. Thus, more sophisticated research of the association is warranted.
PMID: 25148058

Families Special Interest Research Group of IASSIDD. (2014). Families supporting a child with intellectual or developmental disabilities: the current state of knowledge. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities: JARID, 27(5), 420-430.
This official paper of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) offers a summary of scientific knowledge on the situation, challenges and wellbeing of families with a child with intellectual and/or developmental disability, and priorities for future research.
PMID: 25254268

Gurgel, L. G., Vidor, D. C., Joly, M. C., & Reppold, C. T. (2014). Risk factors for proper oral language development in children: a systematic literature review. Codas, 26(5), 350-356. doi:S2317-17822014000500350
Finds that in the literature on risk factors for language development in 0-12 years olds the major ones listed are: family dynamics, interaction with parents, immediate social environment, and encouragement given in the first years of life. The authors also suggest that brain injury, persistent otitis media, and cardiac surgery may be related to language disorders, besides food type and parental counseling.
PMID: 25388066

Kindelan-Calvo, P., Gil-Martinez, A., Paris-Alemany, A., Pardo-Montero, J., Munoz-Garcia, D., Angulo-Diaz-Parreno, S., & La Touche, R. (2014). Effectiveness of therapeutic patient education for adults with migraine. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.), 15(9), 1619-1636. doi:10.1111/pme.12505
Identifies 14 RCTs for a systematic review, of which 9 are included in the meta-analysis. The authors find moderate-strong evidence for intermediate-term effectiveness of patient education on headache frequency, headache disability and quality of life. There is no evidence, however, for short- or intermediate-term effects of patient education on self-efficacy or depressive symptomatology.
PMID: 25159212

Laver, K., Lannin, N. A., Bragge, P., Hunter, P., Holland, A. E., Tavender, E., . . . Gruen, R. (2014). Organising health care services for people with an acquired brain injury: an overview of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials. BMC Health Services Research, 14, 397-6963-14-397. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-14-397
Based on the findings of 5 systematic reviews and 21 studies, 8 involving traumatic or acquired brain injury (ABI) and 18 concerning stroke, this systematic review concludes that use of integrated care improves functional outcome and reduces length of stay (LOS). The authors also conclude that there is evidence for improvements in process outcomes in acute and rehabilitation settings as a result of a quality monitoring intervention, and for the utility of early supported discharge teams for reducing morbidity and mortality and reducing LOS of stay for stroke survivors. They find little evidence for case management or the use of integrated care pathways for people with ABI.
PMID: 25228157
PMCID: PMC4263199

Powell, A. J., Conlee, E. M., & Chang, D. G. (2014). Three decades of citation classics: the most cited articles in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. PM & R : The Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation, 6(9), 828-840. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2014.05.019
Presents 2 reading lists of influential physiatry academic journal articles drawn from the Web of Science based on citation count. List 1 contains the top 25 most-cited articles during the last 3 decades from the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and PM&R. List 2 contains the top 10 articles in 20 different physiatric topical areas, selected without regard for journal or time span.
PMID: 25091931

Sadeghi, S., Fayed, N., & Ronen, G. M. (2014). Patient-reported outcome measures in pediatric epilepsy: a content analysis using World Health Organization definitions. Epilepsia, 55(9), 1431-1437. doi:10.1111/epi.12740
Sets out to identify generic and epilepsy-specific patient-reported outcome (PRO) instruments used in childhood epilepsy research and to make explicit their conceptual approach and biopsychosocial content. Finds 3 generic and 13 epilepsy-specific PROs; 10 of 16 utilized a biopsychosocial health approach rather than a subjective quality of life (QoL) or health-related QoL (HRQoL) approach. In most measures, >25% of the items represented participation and activity components of the ICF-CY, while a high proportion of environment items was found in 1 only.
PMID: 25131769

Salter, K. L., & Kothari, A. (2014). Using realist evaluation to open the black box of knowledge translation: a state-of-the-art review. Implementation Science: IS, 9, 115-014-0115-y. doi:10.1186/s13012-014-0115-y
Claims that theory-based approaches to evaluation, such as realist evaluation (RE), may be better-suited to examination of complex knowledge translation (KT) interventions, to understand what works, for whom, and under what conditions. In order to assess the state-of-the-art in healthcare KT, the authors identified 14 studies on 6 study projects in a variety of settings and representing a range of interventions. While most studies mentioned context (C), mechanism (M) and outcome (O), few set forth the development of C-M-O configuration and a testable hypothesis based on it. Salter and Kothari conclude that use of RE in knowledge translation is relatively new; however, they expect that “as researchers approach challenges and explore innovations in its application, rich and detailed accounts may improve feasibility”.
PMID: 25190100
PMCID: PMC4172789

Sermrittirong, S., Van Brakel, W. H., & Bunbers-Aelen, J. F. (2014). How to reduce stigma in leprosy--a systematic literature review. Leprosy Review, 85(3), 149-157.
Concludes on the basis of 25 papers that there is some evidence that three stigma-reduction interventions are effective: (1) the integration of leprosy programs into general health care; (2) Information Education and Communication (IEC) programs; and (3) socio-economic rehabilitation.
PMID: 25509715

Sharfi, K., & Rosenblum, S. (2014). Activity and participation characteristics of adults with learning disabilities--a systematic review. PloS One, 9(9), e106657. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106657
In this review of the literature on the activity and participation of adults with a learning disability (LD) based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) concepts, the authors identify 32 articles describing their status in the domain of major life areas (education, work and employment), 12 focused on the domain of learning and applying knowledge, and 18 concentrating on various other life domains such as communication, interpersonal interactions, mobility, and domestic life.
PMID: 25184315
PMCID: PMC4153678

Shire, S. Y., & Kasari, C. (2014). Train the trainer effectiveness trials of behavioral intervention for individuals with autism: a systematic review. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 119(5), 436-451. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-119.5.436
The authors perform a systematic review to examine the effectiveness trials of train the trainer (TTT) behavioral interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Based on 12 studies (of which only 1 is judged to be of high quality) they find positive effects of the intervention across various participant outcomes, including cognition, language, and autism symptoms, which effects. However, varied by the subjects’ developmental level.
PMID: 25148057

Stubbs, B., Eggermont, L., Soundy, A., Probst, M., Vandenbulcke, M., & Vancampfort, D. (2014). What are the factors associated with physical activity (PA) participation in community dwelling adults with dementia? A systematic review of PA correlates. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59(2), 195-203. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2014.06.006
Presents a systematic review (12 studies with 752 participants) to identify correlates of physical activity (PA), which shows promise as a modifiable lifestyle intervention for dementia. Positively associated with PA were energy intake, resting metabolic rate, fat free mass, gait speed, global motor function, overall and physical health related quality of life (HRQOL), higher levels of social functioning and reduced apathy. A secondary analysis (9 data sets reanalyzed) showed as correlates increased energy intake, resting metabolic rate, fat free mass, gait speed, global motor function, overall and physical HRQOL, higher levels of social functioning and reduced apathy, as well as taking 4 medications, dizziness, lower ADL function, a history of falls, less waking hours in the day, more autonomic problems and delirium were associated with PA.
PMID: 25034708

Whiteley, I., & Sinclair, G. (2014). Faecal management systems for disabling incontinence or wounds. British Journal of Nursing, 23(16), 881-885. doi:10.12968/bjon.2014.23.16.881
The authors note that clinicians whose patients are at risk of fecal contamination of wounds have used various methods and devices, but judge that little work has been done to evaluate the various ad hoc devices used, or the more formal, purpose-designed systems. The goal of their paper is to consider the use of purpose-designed fecal or bowel-management systems.
PMID: 25203757

Woolfenden, S., Eapen, V., Williams, K., Hayen, A., Spencer, N., & Kemp, L. (2014). A systematic review of the prevalence of parental concerns measured by the Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) indicating developmental risk. BMC Pediatrics, 14, 231-2431-14-231. doi:10.1186/1471-2431-14-231
Based on 37 studies with an aggregated total of 210,242 subjects, the authors find that 14% and 20% of parents, respectively, worry that their child is at high or moderate developmental risk.  A number of modifiable and non-modifiable characteristics of the child and the parent are associated with parental concerns, specifically those reflecting biological and psychosocial adversity.
PMID: 25218133
PMCID: PMC4175611

Listing of Recent Papers on Methodology of
Systematic Reviewing and Meta-Analysis

Booth, A., & Carroll, C. (2015). Systematic searching for theory to inform systematic reviews: is it feasible? Is it desirable? Health Information and Libraries Journal, 32(3), 220-235. doi:10.1111/hir.12108
Create a program called BeHEMoTh (Behaviour of interest; Health context; Exclusions; Models or Theories) to automate the identification of theory in published articles. Conclude that, based on experience with two systematic reviews, BeHEMoTh offers what appears to be a feasible and useful approach for identification of theory for such applications as realist synthesis, framework synthesis or the review of complex interventions.
PMID: 26095232

Foote, C. J., Chaudhry, H., Bhandari, M., Thabane, L., Furukawa, T. A., Petrisor, B., & Guyatt, G. (2015). Network Meta-analysis: Users' Guide for Surgeons: Part I - Credibility. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 473(7), 2166-2171. doi:10.1007/s11999-015-4286-x
Offer an introduction to network meta-analysis (NMA) for clinicians who might use the results of such studies in making decisions on care. Part I discusses the application of evaluation criteria for determining the credibility of a NMA through an example pertinent to clinical orthopedics. Part II considers the evaluation of the level of certainty NMAs can provide in terms of treatment effect sizes and directions.
PMID: 25869061
PMCID: PMC4457779

Chaudhry, H., Foote, C. J., Guyatt, G., Thabane, L., Furukawa, T. A., Petrisor, B., & Bhandari, M. (2015). Network Meta-analysis: Users' Guide for Surgeons: Part II - Certainty. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 473(7), 2172-2178. doi:10.1007/s11999-015-4287-9
Offer an introduction to network meta-analysis (NMA) for clinicians who might use the results of such studies in making decisions on care. Part I discusses the application of evaluation criteria for determining the credibility of a NMA through an example pertinent to clinical orthopedics. Part II considers the evaluation of the level of certainty NMAs can provide in terms of treatment effect sizes and directions.
PMID: 25869062
PMCID: PMC4457777

Cohen, A. M., Smalheiser, N. R., McDonagh, M. S., Yu, C., Adams, C. E., Davis, J. M., & Yu, P. S. (2015). Automated confidence ranked classification of randomized controlled trial articles: an aid to evidence-based medicine. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA, 22(3), 707-717. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocu025
Reports on the creation of machine learning predictive models to predict whether an article reports on a randomized controlled trial (RCT) or not. The first model, taking into account citation, abstract and MeSH terms, achieves an ROC area under the curve of 0.97; the second, applicable to abstracts reported without MeSH terms, performs almost as well. The models can be accessed using a web query service.
PMID: 25656516
PMCID: PMC4457112

Featherstone, R. M., Dryden, D. M., Foisy, M., Guise, J. M., Mitchell, M. D., Paynter, R. A.,... Hartling, L. (2015). Advancing knowledge of rapid reviews: an analysis of results, conclusions and recommendations from published review articles examining rapid reviews. Systematic Reviews, 4, 50-015-0040-4. doi:10.1186/s13643-015-0040-4
Reviews the findings of 12 review articles on rapid reviews (RRs) as a method separate from systematic reviews (SRs). Notes: 1. ambiguous definitions of RRs; 2. varying timeframes to complete RRs ranging from 1 to 12 months; 3. limited scope of RR questions; and 4. Significant heterogeneity between RR methods. Concludes that RR definitions, methods, and applications vary substantially, and that RRs should not be viewed as a substitute for a standard SR, although they have unique value for decision-makers.
PMID: 25925676
PMCID: PMC4415284

Frosi, G., Riley, R. D., Williamson, P. R., & Kirkham, J. J. (2015). Multivariate meta-analysis helps examine the impact of outcome reporting bias in Cochrane rheumatoid arthritis reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(5), 542-550. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.11.017
Notes that the selective reporting of some of all the outcomes measured in a study threatens the validity of systematic reviews. Suggests that multivariate meta-analysis (MVMA) can potentially reduce the impact when outcomes are correlated. Through an example shows that MVMA is of use in evaluating the impact of missing and non-reported outcomes on conclusions.
PMID: 25537265

Helfer, B., Prosser, A., Samara, M. T., Geddes, J. R., Cipriani, A., Davis, J. M., . . . Leucht, S. (2015). Recent meta-analyses neglect previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses about the same topic: a systematic examination. BMC Medicine, 13, 82-015-0317-4. doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0317-4
Investigates how well medication meta-analyses refer to earlier meta-analyses (MAs) and systematic reviews (SRs). Finds that of 242 previous MAs relevant to 52 new MAs, 66% is cited only, 36% described, and only 20% discussed to a significant degree.
PMID: 25889502
PMCID: PMC4411715

Hutton, B., Salanti, G., Caldwell, D. M., Chaimani, A., Schmid, C. H., Cameron, C., . . . Moher, D. (2015). The PRISMA extension statement for reporting of systematic reviews incorporating network meta-analyses of health care interventions: checklist and explanations. Annals of Internal Medicine, 162(11), 777-784. doi:10.7326/M14-2385
Presents a 32-item modification of the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) checklist, developed specifically for the reporting of network meta-analyses. Presents the rationale for the new and modified checklist items, as well as examples of good reporting.
PMID: 26030634

Jonnalagadda, S. R., Goyal, P., & Huffman, M. D. (2015). Automating data extraction in systematic reviews: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 4, 78-015-0066-7. doi:10.1186/s13643-015-0066-7
Offers a review of articles reporting on the automated extraction of data elements for systematic reviews. Finds 26 articles describing automated extraction of one or more of 52 data elements potentially used in a systematic review. Concludes that this technology still has far to go before being truly useful to creators of systematic reviews.
PMID: 26073888
PMCID: PMC4514954

Mavridis, D., Giannatsi, M., Cipriani, A., & Salanti, G. (2015). A primer on network meta-analysis with emphasis on mental health. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 18(2), 40-46. doi:10.1136/eb-2015-102088
Presents the key assumptions underlying network meta-analysis and the graphical methods to present the results and the information contained in the network. Illustrates this with an example, comparing the relative effectiveness of 15 anti-mania drugs and placebo.
PMID: 25908686

Pieper, D., Buechter, R. B., Li, L., Prediger, B., & Eikermann, M. (2015). Systematic review found AMSTAR, but not R(evised)-AMSTAR, to have good measurement properties. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(5), 574-583. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.12.009
Summarizes evidence on reliability, validity and feasibility of Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR), a tool for assessing the quality of a systematic review and R(evised)-AMSTAR, which aimed to make judgments less subjective. AMSTAR shows high reliability (total score ICC >0.60 in all studies) and excellent validity (ICCs with alternate instruments >0.80 in all but one instance). Concludes that R-AMSTAR needs further study.
PMID: 25638457

Preston, L., Carroll, C., Gardois, P., Paisley, S., & Kaltenthaler, E. (2015). Improving search efficiency for systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy: an exploratory study to assess the viability of limiting to MEDLINE, EMBASE and reference checking. Systematic Reviews, 4, 82-015-0074-7. doi:10.1186/s13643-015-0074-7
Uses review of nine systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) to determine whether there is a need in performing such reviews to search for evidence outside of Medline (PubMed), Embase, and ancestor searching in papers identified through these two bibliographic databases. Finds that only 7% of 302 citations used in the nine studies could not be found in this way. Suggests that at least for DTA systematic reviews efficiency might be improved by not using other methods of finding evidence.
PMID: 26113080
PMCID: PMC4482161

Rathbone, J., Hoffmann, T., & Glasziou, P. (2015). Faster title and abstract screening? Evaluating Abstrackr, a semi-automated online screening program for systematic reviewers. Systematic Reviews, 4, 80-015-0067-6. doi:10.1186/s13643-015-0067-6
Uses information on decisions on inclusion vs exclusion of abstracts made by human abstract screeners for four systematic review to evaluate the performance of Abstrackr, an automated screening program. Finds that performance, in terms of abstracts missed and human time saved, is promising, and depends somewhat on the size and complexity of the review.
PMID: 26073974
PMCID: PMC4472176

Stewart, L. A., Clarke, M., Rovers, M., Riley, R. D., Simmonds, M., Stewart, G., . . . PRISMA-IPD Development Group. (2015). Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of individual participant data: the PRISMA-IPD Statement. Jama, 313(16), 1657-1665. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.3656
Presents yet another PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) checklist, developed specifically for the reporting of individual patient data. Presents the rationale for the new and modified checklist items.
PMID: 25919529

Villain, B., Dechartres, A., Boyer, P., & Ravaud, P. (2015). Feasibility of individual patient data meta-analyses in orthopaedic surgery. BMC Medicine, 13, 131-015-0376-6. doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0376-6
Attempts to determine whether individual-patient data (IPD) meta-analyses in orthopedic surgery are feasible, by contacting 217 corresponding authors for 273 RCTs relevant to 38 research questions. The response rate was 25% only, with 31% of responders refusing, 54% agreeing to send data, and 15% holding the request ‘in consideration’. Concludes that data sharing needs to be improved significantly before IPD meta-analyses become really feasible.
PMID: 26040278
PMCID: PMC4464630

Wright, K., Golder, S., & Lewis-Light, K. (2015). What value is the CINAHL database when searching for systematic reviews of qualitative studies? Systematic Reviews, 4, 104-015-0069-4. doi:10.1186/s13643-015-0069-4
Based on analysis of 43 published reviews of qualitative studies determines that for 30, 80% or more of the primary studies included could have been found by consulting CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) only. On the other hand, across 43 reviews, from 5 to 33 primary studies were indexed in CINAHL only, and could not have been found in the other bibliographic databases the original authors consulted. Concludes that CINAHL is a good source of primary qualitative studies for an evidence synthesis.
PMID: 26227391
PMCID: PMC4532258

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