Welcome to KTDRR
Welcome to the Center on KTDRR
The purpose of the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) is to make it easier to find, understand, and use the results of research that can make a positive impact on the lives of people with disabilities. In collaboration with several national and international partners, the Center on KTDRR carries out integrated training, dissemination, utilization, and technical assistance activities to (a.) increase use of valid and relevant evidence-based research findings that inform decision-making and (b.) increase the understanding and application of knowledge translation principles.
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KT Update Newsletter
News and upcoming events from KTDRR. Check out our Center's December 2024 newsletter.

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CRC-CEUs Available
Archived training opportunities provided by the Center are pre-approved for CRC-CEUs.
The Center on KTDRR develops and makes available on its website a number of products for use by researchers and interested parties. These include a monograph, informational briefs, e-newsletters, archives of training and technical assistance activities suh as workshops and webcasts, and an annual KT conference.

KT Tip Sheets
KTDRR produces KT Tip Sheets to support you in a variety of KT-related activities, from social media data analytics to infographics.

Info Briefs
The KTDRR Center offers information briefs on topics related to strategies to enhance KT outcomes and impact, as well as high-quality synthesis of research, through collaboration with national and international experts.

KT Casebook
The Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) has developed the Knowledge Translation (KT) Casebook to highlight NIDILRR grantees' activities in knowledge translation.
Find upcoming events and resources on knowledge translation and research synthesis.
Visit the Staff, Partners, and Expert Review Panel page to learn more about the people that work with the Center for KTDRR.