Policy Portal: Directory of Consumer Organizations

The Policy Portal is a directory of consumer-oriented organizations NIDILRR grantees can use to promote their research findings and connect with organizations included in the directory. The Center has worked with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), The Arc and the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) on the continuous development of the directory.

To be listed below, an organization has met criteria that include it being

  • national in scope
  • engaged in policy discussions with other disability-oriented organizations and/or policymakers about legislation to improve the lives of people with disabilities, and
  • free of commercial interests.

These organizations are therefore well-positioned to apply research findings in their efforts to improve policies that affect the lives of people with disabilities and their families.

The Center on KTDRR offers policy portal members a variety of services:

  • Identifying recent NIDILRR-funded publications that address organizational policy priorities,
  • Summarizing relevant research,
  • Connecting them to NIDILRR-funded authors of relevant research, to help strengthen communication between NIDILRR researchers and the disability policy community.

NIDILRR grantees and any users may use the Search Function below to narrow the list of organizations by “NIDILRR Outcome Domain” or “Disability Type”.

If you are from a disability advocacy or consumer organization and would like to be added to the list or have your organization’s information updated, please contact us at ktdrr@air.org for more information about our criteria for inclusion.

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