Instructions for Searching the Directory

The Directory includes information about journals in the disability and rehabilitation research field. Users can browse the journal directory by alphabetical order, search by journal title or key word, or limit the search to Thomson peer-reviewed journals or open-access journals. The search is not case-sensitive (i.e., words or phrases can be entered in uppercase or lowercase format). To browse by alphabetical order, click on the first letter of the journal name. To search by journal title or key word, enter the title or key words then click on the "Submit" button to display search results. To remove search terms click the "Clear Form" button.

Searching by title words

A title word can be entered as a search option to identify a journal. For example, entering "stroke" will return the journal titles: Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation and Stroke.

Searching by journal title

A journal title word can be entered as a search option to identify journals. For example, users can search for: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.

Limit search to Thomson peer-reviewed journals

This checkbox will limit the search to Thomson peer-reviewed journals. Thomson scientific publishes several databases of influential journals in the sciences and social sciences. Thomson journal status is determined by the journal's basic publishing standards, its editorial content, the international diversity of its authorship, and the citation data associated with it. Visit Thomson scientific to learn more about their journal selection process.

Limit search to Open Access journals

This checkbox will limit the search to open access journals. Open access journals are free, full text, that exercise peer-review or editorial quality control. Open access journals do not charge readers or their institutions for access.

Submit form/View all Journals

This function is used to execute the search request. Users can also view all records by leaving all fields blank and clicking the submit button.

Clear form

This function clears all search fields and resets the directory search screen.

Formatted search results

The directory of journals and author guidelines includes the following data (as available): journal title, frequency of publication, journal description, types of articles published, standardized research reporting formats, manuscript style guide request, author guidelines, Thomson peer-review journal status, and Open access journal status.

Marking items

Users may mark or unmark one or more items by checking the box next to the Journal title.

Toggle all

To select all records, users can click the "Toggle all" link.

E-mailing your search results

To e-mail your search results, go to the box at the bottom of the search results page: "Send journal details by e-mail". Enter one e-mail address and click on "Send record details by e-mail". The selected record(s) will be sent via e-mail to the address you entered in the box. The message will have the Subject line: Records from KTDRR's Directory of Journals and Author Guidelines.

Photo example of e-mail results input field

How do I recommend a journal for the directory?

The KTDRR is collecting information on journals in the disability and rehabilitation research field for inclusion in this directory. To recommend a journal title for consideration, complete the journal directory submission form or contact