American Institutes for Research

KT Update

An e-newsletter from the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Vol. 5, No. 7 - September 2017


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The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant number 90DP0027 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Copyright © 2017 by American Institutes for Research

KTDRR's Continued Service to the
Disability Community and NIDILRR Grantees

We are pleased to announce that AIR will continue for the next 5 years to serve the disability community at large, and NIDILRR grantees in particular in their efforts to synthesize research and engage in knowledge translation. Most of our activities will continue, including our popular, (and imminent!) online-only KT Conference.

We will also continue to publish the KT Update to keep readers informed of new initiatives and supports for you.

2017 Online KT Conference Update

This year's Conference theme is “KT Outcome Measurement,” responding to grantees’ ongoing concerns regarding measurement strategies and techniques. Join us for four hours each afternoon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Oct 30, Nov. 1, Nov. 3). Follow us for conference updates at #KTDRR17

Day 1 Highlighted presentations: Overcoming Barriers to Outreach is the topic for Monday, October 3. Chris McBride of Spinal Cord Injury British Columbia (SCI BC) will kick off the conference with “Commitment issues: How to get my community organized to say yes to an integrated KT project,” explaining why SCI BC says no, and what it takes to say yes, in response to requests from researchers to help with their KT projects.

Jennifer Flagg of the Center on KT for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) will present “Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer: Tips and Tools for Communicating with Key Stakeholders,” where she will share resources and tools for planning and implementing successful development projects, as well as KT strategies relevant to technology transfer.

To end the day, the audience will participate in an interactive discussion with presenters and invited conference participants.

Dates: October 30, November 1, and November 3, 2017
Time: 1 pm – 5 pm Eastern (each day)
Draft Agenda:
More Information:
Register now:

Global Evidence Summit

KTDRR staff (left to right in photo below) Cindy Cai, Ann Williams Outlaw, KTDRR consultant Oliver Wendt and Kathleen Murphy participated in the Global Evidence Summit from September 13-16, 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa.

(left to right) Photo of Cindy Cai, Ann Outlaw, Oliver Wednt, and Kathleen Murphy
  • Cindy Cai presented a poster entitled Using bibliometrics to evaluate impact of systematic reviews in disability and rehabilitation research, and chaired the meeting for Campbell’s Knowledge Translation and Implementation Group.
  • Kathleen Murphy presented a poster focused on Stakeholder involvement in selecting systematic review topics and met others involved in Campbell’s new Disability Coordinating Group (DCG) in her capacity as director of AIR's initiative to support DCG activities.
  • Ann Williams Outlaw is the DCG Managing Editor and met with the DCG’s co-chair and KTDRR consultant, Oliver Wendt of Purdue University, and brought back updates to other DCG leaders who were not able to attend.

To learn more about the Disability Coordinating Group and how to get involved, view the webcast: Introducing the Disability Coordinating Group of the Campbell Collaboration.

Campbell Collaboration Awards
John Westbrook Prize for Contributions to Knowledge Translation

photo of John Westbrook

A highlight of the Campbell Collaboration’s annual meeting at the Global Evidence Summit was the posthumous award of the John Westbrook Prize for Contributions to Knowledge Translation to John D. Westbrook himself. Dr. Westbrook was honored for his lifetime of outstanding contributions to knowledge translation (KT) and the dissemination and implementation of evidence. Supported by a bequest Dr. Westbrook made to the Collaboration, the prize itself exemplifies his commitment to the field and the role of the Campbell Collaboration.

For more than 30 years, Dr. Westbrook built a team and led several KT projects supported by NIDILRR, including the National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR), the Research Utilization Support and Help project (RUSH), and the KT Centers on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) and Employment Research (KTER), among numerous other projects. He passed away from cancer in December 2016.

Future prize winners will receive up to US $1,000 toward the costs of attending the annual Campbell international conference, at which they will give a lecture on a subject to be agreed with the chairs of the John Westbrook prize nomination committee.

Nominations may be made at any time. Nominations should be sent to (1) with subject title John Westbrook prize, (2) name, affiliation and email for the person being nominated, and (3) a short description of up to 400 words outlining the nominee’s contribution.

Upcoming Webcast Series: Equity and Methods
in Campbell Collaboration Systematic Reviews

Early registration is available for an upcoming three-part webcast series focusing on equity and methodology of systematic reviews. These short webcasts will give participants brief introductions into the particular topics listed below and the presenters will provide resources on where to find more information. Register today and stay connected as more information comes available.

  • How to fairly and equitably incorporate people with disabilities into systematic review planning
    Vivian Welch, Editor-in-Chief, Campbell Collaboration
  • MECCIR Standards: Methodological Expectations for Campbell Collaboration Intervention Reviews
    Julia H. Littell, former Editor-in-Chief, Campbell Collaboration
  • When should I include a meta-analysis in a systematic review? Statistical power and other considerations
    Terri Pigott, Editor, Methods Group, Campbell Collaboration

2017 KT Survey of NIDILRR Grantees is Now Closed

We want to extend our thanks to all of the NIDILRR grantees who responded to KTDRR's KT Centers' Community of Practice Annual Knowledge Translation Survey of NIDILRR Grantees. Each of the five NIDILRR-funded KT Centers have these data made available to them to plan the training and TA activities they will offer to the projects they serve in the coming year.

Technical assistance is available to respondents who wish to review their survey submission and learn how their responses compare to aggregated data from all respondents. Fill out the TA Request Form here:

Stay tuned to future KT Updates for survey highlights.

Listing of Recent
Systematic Reviews in Disability and Rehabilitation

Adshead, S., Collier, E., & Kennedy, S. (2015). A literature review exploring the preparation of mental health nurses for working with people with learning disability and mental illness. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(2), 103-107. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2015.01.004
Reviews 13 articles published 2001-13 on the topic of mental health nurses’ preparation for working with individuals who have a learning disability AND are mentally ill. Identifies three main themes: attitudes, practice and education. Concludes that the meager literature suggests that nurses are not well prepared to care for this population segment.
PMID: 25662482

Barclay, L., McDonald, R., & Lentin, P. (2015). Social and community participation following spinal cord injury: a critical review. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research., 38(1), 1-19. doi:10.1097/MRR.0000000000000085
Finds 17 quantitative, 5 qualitative and 1 mixed-methods study, of low quality, on community participation after spinal cord injury, none of which studied an intervention. Concludes that social support, personal care assistance, specialized equipment and appropriate occupational therapy input facilitate participation, while problems with transportation, environmental accessibility, issues with healthcare providers and services, and pain constitute barriers.
PMID: 25305008

Brooker, K., van Dooren, K., McPherson, L., Lennox, N., & Ware, R. (2015). A systematic review of interventions aiming to improve involvement in physical activity among adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 12(3), 434-444. doi:10.1123/jpah.2013-0014
Inventories six papers, generally of poor quality (pre-post design, small N, lack of valid and reliable measures), yet concludes that physical activity interventions have the potential to improve health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disabilities.
PMID: 24809870

Costello, E. J., & Maughan, B. (2015). Annual research review: Optimal outcomes of child and adolescent mental illness. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 56(3), 324-341. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12371
Finds very few studies that provide answers to three questions on the risk children and adolescents with mental illness may have as adults: a repeat of the same disorder; episodes of a different disorder; and functional impairment. Is able to conclude that half of adults with a psychiatric history are without disorder and functioning well in their twenties and later. However, they still do not as well as adults without a psychiatric history.
PMID: 25496295
PMCID: PMC4557213

Cox, A. D., Dube, C., & Temple, B. (2015). The influence of staff training on challenging behaviour in individuals with intellectual disability: a review. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities: JOID, 19(1), 69-82. doi:10.1177/1744629514558075
Reviews 19 studies that evaluate whether staff training has an impact on clients’ challenging behavior. Concludes that the paucity of studies, lack of replications and other limitations of this literature make it impossible to identify a best practice for training of staff.
PMID: 25395332

Daffada, P. J., Walsh, N., McCabe, C. S., & Palmer, S. (2015). The impact of cortical remapping interventions on pain and disability in chronic low back pain: a systematic review. Physiotherapy, 101(1), 25-33. doi:10.1016/
Assesses evidence on the effectiveness of novel interventions for chronic low back pain such as graded motor imagery and mirror visual feedback On the basis of 5 studies concludes there is limited strong research, but that the few studies available are encouraging.
PMID: 25442672

Dalgas, U., Stenager, E., Sloth, M., & Stenager, E. (2015). The effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in multiple sclerosis based on a meta-analysis and critical review of the literature. European Journal of Neurology, 22(3), 443-e34. doi:10.1111/ene.12576
Finds 15 RCTs involving 331 subjects and 260 controls that assessed the effectiveness of a “structured exercise intervention” compared to no exercise or another form of exercise, on depressive symptomatology in MS samples. Only 4 studies show positive effects, preventing solid conclusions to be drawn. Suggests that choice of depression instrument, baseline symptom level, patient level of disability, and exercise intensity may affect results.
PMID: 25327395

Ebrahim, S., Malachowski, C., Kamal El Din, M., Mulla, S. M., Montoya, L., Bance, S., & Busse, J. W. (2015). Measures of patients' expectations about recovery: a systematic review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 25(1), 240-255. doi:10.1007/s10926-014-9535-4
Identifies 46 studies, most rated as low quality, of which 44 find that patient recovery expectations are a predictor of return to work, or of disability claim resolution.
PMID: 25100443

Hemm, C., Dagnan, D., & Meyer, T. D. (2015). Identifying training needs for mainstream healthcare professionals, to prepare them for working with individuals with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities: JARID, 28(2), 98-110. doi:10.1111/jar.12117
Evaluates the literature reporting on assessments of training needs of mainstream health professionals in the area of physical and mental illness among people with intellectual disabilities. Uses a narrative approach to explore themes in 13 studies, and finds three: general communication, knowledge/information, and needs specific to various professions. Suggests that a core training package with profession-specific tailoring is possible.
PMID: 25266406

Janssens, A., Thompson Coon, J., Rogers, M., Allen, K., Green, C., Jenkinson, C., Tennant, A., Logan, S., Morris, C. (2015). A systematic review of generic multidimensional patient-reported outcome measures for children, part I: descriptive characteristics. Value in Health: The Journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 18(2), 315-333. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2014.12.006
Aims to describe characteristics and content of generic, multidimensional patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for children and adolescents up to age 18. Maps the content of 35 PROMs to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Children and Youth version (ICF-CY). Concludes that social functioning is measured most often, that most PROMs exclude at least one major ICF-CY domain, and that “all conflate aspects of functioning and well-being”.
PMID: 25773568

McDowell, C., & Fossey, E. (2015). Workplace accommodations for people with mental illness: a scoping review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 25(1), 197-206. doi:10.1007/s10926-014-9512-y
Investigates types, costs and benefits of workplace accommodations provided for people with mental illness. Finds on the basis of 9 studies that the most commonly reported accommodations are flexible scheduling/reduced hours, modified training and supervision, and modified job duties/descriptions. Concludes that there is limited evidence that a larger number of accommodations result in a longer job tenure.
PMID: 24841728

Moskowitz, L. J., & Jones, E. A. (2015). Uncovering the evidence for behavioral interventions with individuals with fragile X syndrome: a systematic review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 38, 223-241. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2014.12.011
Examines the evidence base for behavioral interventions with individuals with fragile X syndrome (FXS). Based on 31 studies concludes that a behavioral approach shows promise.
PMID: 25575286

Narouze, S., & Souzdalnitski, D. (2015). Obesity and chronic pain: systematic review of prevalence and implications for pain practice. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 40(2), 91-111. doi:10.1097/AAP.0000000000000218
Examines pain management approaches for obese patients and reviews novel interventional techniques for treatment of obesity. Suggests that inadequate pain control can be a barrier to effective lifestyle modification and rehabilitation. Concludes that research should focus on better understanding the interplay between pain and obesity and the development of effective treatment strategies.
PMID: 25650632

Prang, K. H., Newnam, S., & Berecki-Gisolf, J. (2015). The impact of family and work-related social support on musculoskeletal injury outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 25(1), 207-219. doi:10.1007/s10926-014-9523-8
Reviews whether family and work-related social support (from co-workers, supervisors) has been identified as a factor in the physical, psychological, and economic outcomes of individuals with musculoskeletal injury. Based on 14 studies (11 focusing on supervisors or co-workers, 3 on family) concludes that the evidence for an effect is inconclusive.
PMID: 24846079

Proud, E. L., Miller, K. J., Bilney, B., Balachandran, S., McGinley, J. L., & Morris, M. E. (2015). Evaluation of measures of upper limb functioning and disability in people with Parkinson disease: a systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(3), 540-551.e1. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2014.09.016
Aims to identify upper limb assessment tools applicable to persons with Parkinson Disease (PD), describe their content using the ICF, and evaluate metric characteristics using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement INstruments COSMIN). Finds that 10 of 18 instruments identified were evaluated in people with PD. Only reliability, but not validity, has been addressed in high-quality studies.
PMID: 25301441

Rubio-Valera, M., Luciano, J. V., Ortiz, J. M., Salvador-Carulla, L., Gracia, A., & Serrano-Blanco, A. (2015). Health service use and costs associated with aggressiveness or agitation and containment in adult psychiatric care: a systematic review of the evidence. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 35-015-0417-x. doi:10.1186/s12888-015-0417-x
Finds 10 studies assessing the impact of agitation on length of stay, readmission rates and medication doses in psychiatric care. Concludes that agitation affects healthcare use and costs in terms of longer length of stay, more readmissions and higher drug use. Evidence is scarce, however.
PMID: 25881240
PMCID: PMC4356166

Rutten, J. M., Korterink, J. J., Venmans, L. M., Benninga, M. A., & Tabbers, M. M. (2015). Nonpharmacologic treatment of functional abdominal pain disorders: a systematic review. Pediatrics, 135(3), 522-535. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-2123
Aims to summarize the evidence on nonpharmacologic interventions for pediatric (age 3-18) abdominal pain-related functional gastrointestinal disorders (AP-FGIDs). Finds 24 RCTs which are evaluated using the GRADE approach. Finds support for hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, lactobacillus rhamnosus, and guar gum, but not for other fiber supplements or a lactose-free diet.
PMID: 25667239

Simon, S. S., Cordas, T. A., & Bottino, C. M. (2015). Cognitive Behavioral Therapies in older adults with depression and cognitive deficits: a systematic review. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(3), 223-233. doi:10.1002/gps.4239
Investigate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBTs) in improving depressive symptoms, disability, and cognition in older adults with depression and cognitive deficits. Finds that CBT focused on problem solving is studied most often, and is more effective than supportive therapy. Concludes that older adults with depression and cognitive deficits can benefit from CBT, but that improvements in mood and disability are more consistent than in cognition.
PMID: 25521935

Turton, R. W. (2015). Criterion-related validity of challenging behaviour scales: a review of evidence in the literature. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities: JARID, 28(2), 81-97. doi:10.1111/jar.12098
Identifies 12 challenging behavior scales and 21 publications that assess their validity. One scale only used direct measures of behavior; the rest used indirect measures that themselves have limited evidence of validity, including membership of diagnostic or service groups and other scales. Concludes that there is limited strong evidence of validity, but that what was found is encouraging.
PMID: 24827916

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