#KTDRR20—Registration is Now Open
KTDRR’s 2020 Virtual Knowledge Translation Conference,
“Social Media Strategies for Knowledge Translation”

Registration is now open! The Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research’s (KTDRR’s) free, virtual conference will take place across three afternoons during one week: 1:00–5:00 p.m. Eastern Time each day on October 26, 28, and 30, 2020.

The conference is designed for grantees of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and other stakeholders. Global experts will present on high-impact topics, including:

  • Using social media to design outcomes
  • Strategies for using social media for subject recruitment and stakeholder engagement
  • Examples of projects that use social media for knowledge translation (KT)

The conference also will provide opportunities to network with other KT experts and researchers.

Register Today!

Testing the Waters Before Diving In: September 2 Webcast

Dr. Travis Sztainert Join KTDRR on Wednesday, September 2, for our latest webcast. Dr. Travis Sztainert will present a prerecorded webinar, “Testing the Waters Before Diving In: Determining the Type of Knowledge Gap and the Readiness of Knowledge to Fill It.” Dr. Sztainert will discuss the processes that support and promote knowledge translation. He will focus on examining the knowledge-to-action gap by introducing overarching micro-gaps and will discuss the creation of a gap assessment tool. In addition, Dr. Sztainert will present an end-of-grant readiness tool he has been developing for several years and will describe partnership activities around the tool’s use. For more information, visit


CoP-EDR Announces AGREE II Articles and Next Meeting

Are Clinical Practice Guidelines Readily Applicable by Clinicians?

A subgroup of KTDRR’s Community of Practice on Evidence for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (CoP-EDR) conducted two studies on using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation, version II (AGREE II) to evaluate the quality of rehabilitation clinical practice guidelines. This research activity resulted from a discussion on the applicability of rehabilitation clinical practice guidelines focused on whether rehabilitation clinicians are actually able to use treatments with their clients that were recommended by a guideline. CoP-EDR members decided to carry out a quantitative study summarizing the results of all review papers in the literature that used the AGREE II measure to appraise rehabilitation guidelines. The resulting article was submitted and accepted by the Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation. A manuscript from the second study is currently under review. It focuses on how applicability and five other AGREE factors affect two AGREE global judgments on a guideline, including its overall quality and whether it is recommended. These articles will be discussed at the next CoP-EDR meeting.

  • September 23, 2020: 3:00–4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, using the Zoom platform.
  • Topic: Panel discussion on the applicability of clinical practice guidelines, following up from the June meeting that shared results from two studies on using AGREE II to evaluate the quality of rehabilitation clinical practice guidelines.
  • Background document (open access): Dijkers, M. P., Ward, I., Annaswamy, T., Dedrick, D., Feldpausch, J., Moul, A., & Hoffecker, L. (in press). The quality of rehabilitation clinical practice guidelines: An overview study of AGREE II appraisals. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2020.03.022
Joann Starks

Learn more about the Community of Practice on Evidence for Disability and Rehabilitation Research CoP-EDR.

For more information, contact Joann Starks.

Review: Multifaceted Interventions for Supporting Community Participation Among Adults With Disabilities

Campbell Collaboration Plain Language Summary (2020) Multifaceted interventions show limited impact on community participation among adults with disabilities.

In June 2020, the Campbell Collaboration published Multifaceted Interventions for Supporting Community Participation Among Adults With Disabilities: A Systematic Review. Funded by NIDILRR, the systematic review examines the impact of multifaceted interventions on community participation outcomes for adults with disabilities and focuses on identifying effective components of the interventions. The review summarizes findings from 15 reports of multifaceted interventions in five countries. The systematic review is a product of the RTC/PICL (NIDILRR grant 90RT5043) and was supported with technical assistance from KTDRR (NIDILRR grants 90DP0027, 90DPKT001).

Multifaceted interventions are interventions that target two or more individual or environmental characteristics in different domains. For example, many factors affect the outcome of integrated, competitive employment in the community for people with disabilities. Among those factors, points of intervention are related to the individual (e.g., work experience, social skills, level of support needs, education/training), the employer or workplace (e.g., disability awareness, provision of accommodations, accessibility), and the community (e.g., access to transportation, proximity to workplace).

Individual studies of multifaceted interventions show evidence of positive effects for some outcomes (employment, quality of life, and adult learning). However, there are no significant effects on other outcomes (activities of daily living, mental health, autonomy, independent living, social skills, community activities, and housing). The evidence supporting multifaceted interventions is hampered by a lack of design quality in the studies and by the small number of studies represented in each multifaceted intervention and its associated outcomes.

Citation: Gross, J. M. S., Monroe-Gulick, A., Nye, C., Davidson-Gibbs, D., & Dedrick, D. (2020). Multifaceted interventions for supporting community participation among adults with disabilities: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 16(2), e1092. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cl2.1092

Plain Language Summary: https://campbellcollaboration.org/better-evidence/community-participation-adults-with-disabilities.html

Connect With KTDRR’s Policy Portal

Would you like your research to inform disability advocacy and policymaking? KTDRR is working to facilitate connections between NIDILRR-funded researchers and consumer organizations that advocate for people with disabilities. To do so, our website hosts a Policy Portal, a directory of consumer organizations that are well-positioned to promote research findings in their advocacy work. The Policy Portal is designed to support NIDILRR grantees in their outreach to consumer organizations.

This year, we collaborated with the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) to expand and improve the Policy Portal. With NCIL’s help, we surveyed consumer organizations on their policy priorities and the tools they need to apply research to practice.

We are now curating lists of NIDILRR-funded research that relate to the organizations’ policy priorities to spur evidence-based advocacy. Soon, we will connect research authors to these organizations to foster strong and mutually beneficial relationships.

If you are an NIDILRR grantee or a director of a consumer organization and would like to become involved with this activity, contact KTDRR today!

Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)

The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant number 90DPKT0001 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Copyright © 2020 by American Institutes for Research