KT Update

VOLUME 9, NUMBER 2   |   February 2021

An e-newsletter from

Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)


KT Casebook Call for Proposals

The call for proposals for the ninth edition of the KT is underway.

Share the success behind your knowledge translation strategy with fellow National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) grantees in the ninth edition of the KT Casebook. The KT Casebook highlights what grantees across all of NIDILRR’s portfolios are doing in the KT area. Its goals include:

  • Learning from one another’s experiences,
  • Making connections with other grantees that will facilitate and expand KT actions,
  • Gaining new ideas about KT strategies other grantees are using,
  • Identifying KT examples focused on stakeholders or target audiences of interest, and
  • Expanding awareness of NIDILRR grantees’ KT accomplishments.

KTDRR welcomes NIDILRR grantees interested in submitting an entry for the ninth edition of the KT Casebook to submit their proposal today. It takes authors approximately 8 hours to complete an entry, and we’ll walk you through the guidelines individually.

Call for Proposals: 9th Edition KT Casebook. Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability & Rehabilitation Research

Register Now for KTDRR’s “Knowledge Translation Principles, Planning, Strategies, and Measurement” Training Course

KTDRR Knowledge Translation Principles, Planning, Strategies, and Measurement Training Course

Registration is now open! The Center on KTDRR is excited to bring a comprehensive, five-part training course on relevant KT topics to NIDILRR grantees. The learn-at-your-own-pace modules will promote the use of findings and products starting from a project’s planning phases through measuring its impact. The modules will be broken into the following topics:

  • KT Basics and Plans
  • The “Knowledge” of KT
  • Identifying Stakeholder Needs
  • Applying KT From Proposals to Reality
  • Monitoring and Evaluating KT

The course is free and open to all NIDILRR grantees.

Register now to receive updates on the training series.

Engaging Stakeholders for Research Impact
Info Brief Now Available

The Center on KTDRR is proud to introduce the new Info Brief, Engaging Stakeholders for Research Impact. The brief defines stakeholder engagement from a disability research lens, describes different types of stakeholders, and addresses why research projects should focus on engagement. Author Dr. Tamika Heiden is the founder and principal of Knowledge Translation Australia. Joining Dr. Heiden as a contributing author is a member of the Center on KTDRR's Expert Review Panel, Dr. Toni Saia. She is an activist, professor, and researcher who brings lived experience with disability to her work. Dr. Saia shares an example of how her collaborative research project resulted in accessibility improvements.

Download an accessible PDF file today:

Engaging Stakeholders for Research Impact

New Center on KTDRR Monograph
Knowledge Translation: The Rise of Implementation

A woman engaged in reading a webpage on a computer

The Center on KTDRR is proud to share its monograph, Knowledge Translation: The Rise of Implementation. Lead author Melanie Barwick is an internationally recognized expert in knowledge translation (KT) and implementation science (IS). Raluca Dubrowski and Kadia Petricca complete the author team from the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The monograph provides an update of the KT literature and reflects on advancements in the KT process, as well as KT’s relationship with IS. KT practices related to disability research are highlighted, along with a look at future directions in KT.

HTML version: ktdrr.org/kt-implementation/

Download 508-compliant PDF file:

2020 KT Conference Archive Now Available

A graphic of a word cloud with many words in it.

Check out the word cloud derived from actual evaluations from the Center on KTDRR’s 2020 annual Online KT Conference, which featured the theme Social Media Strategies for Knowledge Translation.

Missed the 2020 annual KT conference?

  • Archived presentations from the 2020 Online KT Conference are now available at https://ktdrr.org/conference2020/expo/conf_materials.html.
    Archived resources include captioned YouTube videos, edited transcripts, and downloadable copies of the presentation files.
  • The KT Conference 2020 archive is preapproved for up to 9.5 CRC-CEUs. Contact Tracy Bauman at TBauman@air.org for more information.

Save the dates for next year’s conference: October 27, 29, and 31, 2021.
Our preliminary theme is Research Results for Policy Outcomes.
Follow @KTDRR_Center for updates.

Expert Review Panel

On January 25, 2021, the Center on KTDRR’s Expert Review Panel held its annual meeting. Panelists from the United States and abroad with backgrounds in KT, lived experience with a disability, communications, disability policy, and rigorous research designs met online to discuss the center’s 2021 plans. The panelists serve as thought partners to Center staff and help ensure that our products and resources are responsive, accessible, and informed by research. Thank you to all the experts who have agreed to assist the Center on KTDRR.

Follow the Center on KTDRR on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates.

Questions? Email Tracy Bauman at TBauman@air.org.

Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)

The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant number 90DPKT0001 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Copyright © 2021 by American Institutes for Research