KT Update

VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3   |   May 2021

An e-newsletter from

Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)


Summer Webcast Series

The Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (Center on KTDRR) is excited to bring you a webcast summer series that covers a variety of topics related to knowledge translation (KT). Our first webcast will take place on Tuesday, June 15, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern.

Title: Engaging Stakeholders for Research Impact
Presenters: Drs. Tamika Heiden and Toni Saia
Date: June 15, 2021
Time: 3–4 p.m. ET

Register here

Stakeholder engagement is a fundamental focus of knowledge translation, as it builds active involvement of end users into the research process. In this interview-style webcast, Drs. Toni Saia and Tamika Heiden focus on the importance of stakeholder engagement in disability-focused research and address why research projects should focus on engagement. This webcast complements KTDRR’s recently released information brief, Engaging Stakeholders for Research Impact. To learn more about upcoming opportunities, please visit https://ktdrr.org/training/webcasts

Title: Social Media for KT, Accessibility, and Inclusive Design: A Conversation with Sina Bahram
Presenter: Sina Bahram
Meet Sina Bahram: https://www.pac.bz/about/
Date: July 20, 2021
Time: 3–4 p.m. ET

Register here

Sina Bahram of Prime Access Consulting will be joining the Center on KTDRR to provide insight and guidance on applying inclusive design principles to the use of social media for research and knowledge translation in disability-friendly ways. Fielding questions NIDILRR grantees have posed to the Center on KTDRR from past events, Sina will bring his recognized expertise in accessibility to a lively Q&A session with KTDRR’s director, Dr. Kathleen Murphy. The discussion will explain key terms and definitions and how to accessibly use popular social media platforms.

Title: Recent Campbell Collaboration Disability Research Synthesis Results
Presenters: Drs. Pádraic Fleming; Ashrita Saran; Judith Gross; Petra Lietz and Katherine Dix
Date: August 17, 2021
Time: 3–4 p.m. ET

Register here

A panel of review authors from the Disability Coordinating Group of the Campbell Collaboration share their experiences with the production process and showcase a variety of synthesis products. These include traditional systematic reviews, mixed-methods reviews and evidence and gap maps. This recorded session was originally presented live as part of the What Works Global Summit (WWGS 2020).

Summer Webcast Series

Save the Date! #KTDRR21:
Virtual Knowledge Translation Conference: Research Results for Policy Outcomes

Mark your calendars—KTDRR's free, virtual conference will take place across three afternoons during one week: 1:00–5:00 pm Eastern Time each day on October 25, 27, and 29, 2021.

The conference is designed to address key questions pertaining to any researchers or product developers interested in making a policy impact with their work like

  • Why is it important to engage stakeholders early and what are good ways to do that?
  • What are the best ways to share information with policymakers?
  • What are examples of research-informed policy?

The conference also provides opportunities to network with other KT experts and researchers.

Register for the 2021 KT Conference

Save the Date! #KTDRR21: Virtual Knowledge Translation Conference: Research Results for Policy Outcomes

2021 NARRTC Annual Meeting and Conference October 19–20, 2021
Resourcefulness, Resilience and Responsiveness: Disability and Rehabilitation Research Following the Covid-19 Pandemic

Drawing of eight people sitting around a round table

Plan to be there when NIDILRR grantees reunite at the 2021 NARRTC Annual Meeting and Conference at the Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City, on October 19–20, 2021. After postponing in 2020, we are getting vaccinated and making plans to travel again to network, talk with seasoned colleagues and “new recruits,” share cutting-edge research, and learn about the latest plans from NIDILRR staff. Save the date and keep tuned to the NARRTC website for updates.

Save the Date: Pre-NARRTC Conference
In-Person Workshops:
Using a KT Model in Disability Research and Outreach to Policymakers
October 18, 2021

Plan to be in town in time to attend one or both of the free pre-NARRTC conference workshops the Center on KTDRR has planned for Monday October 18, 2021—the day before NARRTC begins—at the Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City (Arlington, Virginia). These workshops are designed for NIDILRR grantees (and grantees are given registration priority). Attendance for each workshop is capped at 25 registrants. Non-grantees will be accepted if space is available. We will communicate with registrants about any need for hotel reservations on Sunday evening as the date approaches.

Morning session: Using a Knowledge Translation Model in Disability Research
Curious about how to apply knowledge translation to your disability research project? Join KTDRR staff and your NIDILRR-funded peers to learn about a knowledge translation model, then think through and plan for how to bring it to life in your portfolio of work.

Afternoon session: Outreach to Policymakers
Learn about (and practice!) which strategies are best for sharing research information with state and national policymakers. Restrictions on lobbying will also be discussed. This interactive workshop is co-sponsored by NARRTC, the Center on KTDRR, and American Institutes for Research (AIR).

New home on KTDRR.org for archives of the
Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research (KTER Center)

The KTER Center is passing the baton to its new iteration, CeKTER (pronounced “sector.”) Products that AIR’s KTER Center developed are migrating to www.KTDRR.org. For any questions about these archived materials, please contact KTDRR@air.org.

KTER Center webcasts focused on knowledge translation and disability employment research are interspersed among KTDRR’s webcast listings, along with associated Tech Briefs.

Courses developed by the KTER Center for vocational rehabilitation staff, including VR business consultants, on such topics as “Business Outreach,” “Principles of Adult Learning,” “Autism and Employment,” and “Students With Disabilities and Employment” are under the Training tab.

✅ Much appreciation to Kathy West-Evans of the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation and Linda Hedenblad of the VR Development Group for partnering to produce the business outreach offering!

Look under the Resources tab to find The Knowledge Translation Planning Template© Companion Tool for Disability Employment Researchers and webcast Dr. Melanie Barwick designed in collaboration with KTER Center staff and NIDILRR grantees.

Follow the Center on KTDRR on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates.

Questions? Email Tracy Bauman at TBauman@air.org.

Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)

The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant number 90DPKT0001 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Copyright © 2021 by American Institutes for Research