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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Roets-Merken, L. M., Draskovic, I., Zuidema, S. U., van Erp, W. S., Graff, M. J., Kempen, G. I., et al. (2015). Effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions in improving emotional and functional status in hearing or visually impaired older adults: a systematic review with meta-analyses. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29 (2), 107-119. doi: 10.1177/0269215514542639
Keywords: Aging; hearing impairment; rehabilitation interventions; systematic review; visual impairment
Abstract: Reviews 14 studies that had a primary outcome of emotional or functional status, self-efficacy or social participation of non-equipment based rehabilitative interventions for people with hearing impairments (six studies) or visual impairments (eight studies). All studies are classified as modest in methodological quality. No significant rehabilitation effects are found, although subgroup analysis shows problem-solving training as a possible intervention for improving emotional status.
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Record Updated:2017-02-24

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