The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) has adopted the conceptual framework of KT to help guide its effort to promote the effective use of research findings. KT in the NIDRR context refers to a multidimensional, active process of ensuring that new knowledge and products gained via research and development reach practitioners, employers, policy makers, and individuals with disabilities; are understood by these audiences; and are used to improve the employment outcomes and participation of individuals with disabilities in society.

Engaging Consumers

The ability to engage and involve people with disabilities in the scientific process is vital to the long-term goals of both researchers and consumers. This expo area will highlight potential avenues for delivery of information and links to groups that help to involve consumers in the formulating of knowledge translation activities.

Discuss open access articles versus paid journals?

KT Theories & Frameworks

This area highlights relevant projects, models, frameworks, theories and other valuable resources in the area of knowledge translation. Conference presenters’ resources will also be linked here. These resources vary in delivery method from short YouTube videos to journal articles and tools and may cover a wide variety of KT strategies.

KTDRR Resources

Technology, customer experience, measuring outcomes, social media, systematic reviews...there is so much to know about Knowledge Translation (KT) in today’s rapidly changing environment. This area of the expo will feature the Center on KTDRR and some of its resources designed to provide information to NIDRR grantees and interested members of the public about a wide spectrum of knowledge translation and evidence-based content. A few of these include: An online KT Library and KT Strategies Database, the Registry of Systematic Reviews, and a Directory of Journals and Authors Guidelines.

Quality Evidence, Production, Grading and Reporting

This section features links that relate to producing, grading and reporting of knowledge translation projects. What are the best methods for evaluating research evidence? What are some of the best ways to find new research? These are helpful resources for grantees that are nearing the end of their grant cycles as well as those starting to plan their next project.

Evidence Application

Whether in policy, commercial, medical or social scientific areas, application and implementation are important knowledge translation steps to consider. These links will give a few examples of areas where KT is being used to improve an area of practice or policy through rigorous scientific research.

Training, TA & other Resources

As a NIDRR grantee there exist many opportunities to receive free technical assistance through one of the KT centers. Also, annual conferences provide a great opportunity to network, stimulate new ideas, and improve your knowledge translation activities.

Conference Materials

This section of the Expo features all of the PDF files created for the 2013 Knowledge Translation conference. Presentation PDF's or any additional documents that are listed here will have the name of the speaker(s) and the date and time of the presentation.