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Working with the Media
Dissemination is a key component of an effective knowledge translation plan. This section includes a compilation of resources — tools for working with the media, advice, examples, and more — that may help researchers work more effectively with the media.
Media Tips for Researchers
This article provides researchers with tips for how to prepare for an interview with a reporter.
News Coverage of Disability Issues: Final Report for The Center for an Accessible Society (1999) by Beth A. Haller (1999).
This report surveys the media coverage of disability in the late 1990s, which it uses to inform a series of recommendations for disability reporting.
Media Toolbox
The Global Development Research Center's Media Toolbox offers tips to help researchers get the most out of the media.
Social media tips for scientists
Social Media guru Nicola Osborne explains how social media can be helpful for scientists, and offers guidelines and tips for getting started.
An Introductory Guide to Disability Language and Empowerment
This guide to breaks down the importance of empowering language for people who may be being exposed to it for the first time.