American Institutes for Research

KT Update

An e-newsletter from the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Vol. 6, No. 3 - May 2018


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The contents of this newsletter were developed under grant number 90DPKT0001 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Copyright © 2018 by American Institutes for Research


The Center on KTDRR is planning a series of social media trainings to enhance NIDILRR grantees’ and KTDRR stakeholders’ use of social media in their KT activities. We need your help in determining what social media topics would be most useful to cover in trainings.

Please take 5 minutes to fill out the following questionnaire to let us know what social media trainings would be most beneficial to you!

2018 Online KT Conference

The theme of the 2018 Online Knowledge Translation (KT) Conference is “Engaging Ways to Engage Stakeholders,” and presenters will emphasize the importance of incorporating stakeholder participation into project planning and implementation.

Stakeholder engagement throughout research and development processes generally aims to increase topic and product relevance; improve procedures, subject recruitment in particular; and inform how findings are interpreted, embedded in dissemination and technology products and applied in practice and policy (Bowen et al., 2017; Cottrell et al., 2014). As conference presenters will discuss, a systematic outreach to stakeholders is essential to achieving these targeted, measurable, and sustained impacts to research and development activities.

Dates: November 5, 7, and 9, 2018
Time: 1:00–5:00 p.m. Eastern (all three days)

For more information, please visit
Registration opening soon.

KTDRR Conference Participation

  • KTDRR staffers Joann Starks and Ann Outlaw are collaborating with Jennifer Flagg of the Center on KT for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) to share information about knowledge translation resources as an important step towards achieving outcomes and impacts. KTDRR’s Plain Language Summary Tool and KT4TT’s Technology Transfer Planning Template and other KT resources can help expand options for making knowledge and information more useful to a variety of audiences.
  • Starks will present a poster at the 2018 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum June 10–12 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
  • Flagg and Starks will conduct a workshop, Tools for Knowledge Translation: Effectively Communicating R&D Project Outputs to Key Stakeholders, at the RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) 2018 Annual Conference in Arlington, Virginia, July 13–15.

KTDRR’s Technical Assistance Network

NIDILRR Grantees are invited to participate in the Center on KTDRR’s Technical Assistance (TA) Network. This network gives NIDILRR grantees the opportunity to network, share information about their KT activities, TA successes, and discuss barriers to TA. Topics for discussion will be determined by the group’s needs and interests. The network meets twice a year online and over the phone. If you are a NIDILRR grantee, who is interested in contributing to the discussion please email Joann Starks at

KTDRR Supports Research Syntheses and Systematic Reviews

Have you thought about conducting a systematic review but considered that effort to be time consuming, or you were not sure where to start? NIDILRR grantees are eligible to request intensive TA from KTDRR to support activities such as research syntheses and systematic reviews. “Gold standard” evidence-based products such as systematic reviews can seem daunting, but they are consistently used to answer the question “What works?” for intervention and other research questions.

Beginning in 2017, intensive TA support was provided to a team from the University of Kansas led by Dr. Judith Gross for information retrieval, inclusion/exclusion criteria, data analysis, and meta-analysis activities. KTDRR worked with the Kansas team to submit the review title to the Campbell Collaboration’s Disability Coordinating Group (DCG). Campbell Coordinating Groups are responsible for the production, scientific merit, and usefulness of Campbell systematic reviews. The title of and protocol for the review, Multifaceted interventions for supporting community participation among adults with disabilities, have been accepted and published in the Campbell Library, and the team is completing review activities.

Campbell’s DCG can also support your systematic review efforts. KTDRR staff members volunteer in the leadership of the DCG, with Joann Starks serving as co-chair and Ann Williams Outlaw as managing editor. KTDRR also has a cadre of consultants with a range of experience in publishing and providing support to others in producing research syntheses and systematic reviews. NIDILRR grantees can consult free-of-charge with experts such as Dr. Marcel Dijkers, Dr. Carlton Fong, Dr. Chad Nye, and Dr. Oliver Wendt.

Contact the KTDRR staff to discuss your ideas for a synthesis or systematic review and to learn how KTDRR can help.

Other KTDRR Resources to Support
Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses

Resources for Conducting Systematic Reviews: In this resource guide, we highlight tools and resources that support the conduct of systematic reviews. We have organized the guide by the typical steps followed in conducting a systematic review; however, many tools overlap these categories, and we have attempted to highlight such overlap when it occurs.

Registry of Systematic Reviews of Disability and Rehabilitation Research: The Registry gathers in one place more than 140 systematic reviews of research studies on disability and rehabilitation topics salient to researchers, persons with disabilities and their families, and service providers.
Video Tutorial for the Registry:

Online Workshops: KTDRR’s free workshops present in-depth information on topics such as developing systematic reviews and research syntheses, qualitative research synthesis, and tools for analyzing research.

  • Systematic Reviewing for Evidence-Based Practice: An Introductory Workshop (6-part)
  • Scoping Review Methods for Producing Research Syntheses (2-part)
  • Tips of the Trade—Developing High Quality Research Syntheses
  • Qualitative Research Synthesis (4-part)
  • Assessing the Quality and Applicability of Systematic Reviews (AQASR) (7‑part)

Webcast Archives: KTDRR presents webcasts on topics such as developing high-quality research syntheses, tools for analyzing research, practice guidelines, retrieving international research, and implementing policy research, as well as topics related to KT strategies and outcomes.

Call for Papers: Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits Journal

KTDRR project director Kathleen Murphy is guest-editing a special issue of the Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) Journal: “The Role of Research in Influencing Assistive Technology Products, Policy, and Practices.” This volume of ATOB invites authors to submit articles that (a) showcase the ways that research, either internally within an organization or externally, through successful private and/or public partnerships, has resulted in new assistive technology (AT) innovations, practices, and policies that help people with disabilities achieve their goals; or (b) highlight research findings that should inform product development, practice, and/or policy, helping to shape emerging and future technologies, strategies, and programs. In either case, manuscripts are required to draw conclusions about how research has been or can be used by other stakeholders to effect positive change for people who use AT.

Manuscripts are due Friday, June 15, and will be peer reviewed for an anticipated publication date in early 2019. Interested parties are encouraged to review ATOB Editorial Policy and Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors to learn more about the publication. More details on Volume 13, including an online ATOB Manuscript Submission Form, are available at ATOB Volume 13 Call for Papers.

If you have any questions about ATOB, please contact If you have questions about submitting a manuscript, please contact

Starks Receives NARRTC Award

Joann Starks was honored with an award from NARRTC (formerly known as the National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers) at its 2018 annual meeting and conference. The NARRTC Commendation Award recognizes important contributions that strategically or creatively advance the field of disability. Joann has made countless contributions to advance the field, particularly through her years of service to NARRTC; her leadership in advancing knowledge translation training to the NIDILRR community through her work at the Centers on KTDRR and KT for Employment Research, and most recently, by co-chairing the Disability Coordinating Group within The Campbell Collaboration. Congratulations, Joann, and thank you for all of your valuable contributions to the field!

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