2019 Online KT Conference
The 2019 Online KT Conference: “Innovative KT Strategies That Work” is designed for researchers and others to learn about research-based KT tools and strategies that increase the use of evidence-based research findings. Presentations addressed a range of effective and innovative approaches to co-creating, translating, disseminating, and utilizing knowledge, as well as describing methods designed to measure the impact of KT outcomes.
The 2019 KT Conference Archive is available for viewing.
- October 28: Setting the Stage for KT
- October 30: Synthesis and Planning for Impact
- November 1: Innovative Dissemination Strategies and Tools
In collaboration with several national and international partners, the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) makes it easier to find, understand, and use the results of research that can make a positive impact on the lives of people with disabilities.