Webcast: Plain Language Summaries
About the Webcast
Adapting newly created knowledge for a real world application is an art. Plain language summaries can be a key step in promoting the use of rigorous research findings by a variety of audiences. In this webcast, Merete Konnerup explains some of the best practices and principles of how to write a plain language summary of research findings for a wide range of stakeholders. The psychology of decision-making, a systems perspective, and policy orientation are presented. The session was originally conducted for staff of Cornell University’s Employment and Disability Institute.
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The webcast can be viewed via YouTube (you do not need a YouTube Account): http://youtu.be/jcSXhq7gwtw (Link opens new window)
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- Edited transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ .DOC 91kb)
Presentation Materials
- PowerPoint™ presentation (.PPT format 1.47 MB) OR (.PDF format 1.2 MB)
- Text description of PowerPoint™ presentation (MS Word Doc)
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About the Presenter

Merete Konnerup, MSc Econ, is co-chair and co-founder of the Campbell Collaboration’s Users Group and served as a member of the Campbell Steering Group. She established and developed the first regional Campbell center—The Nordic Campbell Centre—now known as SFI Campbell. With a background in national policy making, she has also lectured and written extensively on evidence-based public policy and practice in the social sciences. Ms. Konnerup is the manager for programs promoting social well-being at the Danish philanthropic foundation TrygFonden. The foundation supports action-oriented, knowledge-based projects that contribute to an increased sense of safety locally and nationally.