KT Update

An e-newsletter from the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Vol. 3, No. 2 - December 2014


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KT Update was developed by the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) through grant #H133A120012 to SEDL from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) in the US Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Copyright © 2014 by SEDL

SEDL Joins Forces with
American Institutes for Research

SEDL will become an affiliate of the American Institutes for Research (AIR) effective January 1, 2015. The combined organizations will have new and enhanced capabilities, for example, around disability research as well as an increased ability to conduct large-scale randomized control trials and provide technical assistance to diverse populations across a broader geographic area.

Standards for Assistive Technology Funding: What are the Right Criteria?

Webcast - January 14, 2015

Please join us for a webcast scheduled for January 14, 2015 from 3-4 PM EST to introduce a white paper developed by KTDRR's Working Group on Assistive Technology (AT) Standards.

KTDRR's AT Working Group, addressed the issue of the expectation of an evidence-based standard to determine AT product efficacy, and the impact of this standard on the transfer, use, and payment for assistive technologies designed for persons with disabilities. The highest level of evidence is produced through randomized controlled trials; however, that option is rarely feasible when establishing accuracy of effectiveness in assistive rehabilitation technologies because often the solutions provided are unique to an individual. This issue must be addressed so that it does not limit access to rehabilitation assistive technologies by those who need them.

From 2012-2014, the AT Working Group discussed these issues and developed a white paper: Standards for Assistive Technology Funding: What are the Right Criteria? Recommendations set forth by the AT Working Group in the white paper and webcast included conducting an intra-agency Department of Health and Human Services conference with agencies such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and NIDILRR to consider and define the hierarchy of evidence needed for the determination of AT safety and effectiveness, AT best clinical practices guidelines, the appropriateness and practicality of AT data collection methods, and the creation, utilization and promotion of a national AT usage and outcomes database.

The AT Working Group also recommends that legislative action should be taken to define the types of AT that are designed to meet the long-term needs for persons with disabilities separate from the policies governing Durable Medical Equipment to allow improved recognition and policies, as well as to shift the AT reimbursement model from being purely a medical model to a model that also considers the social and functional context of the AT user.

Archives Available Now!

Effective Media Outreach Strategies

The 2014 online conference focused on Knowledge Translation (KT) efforts using various media strategies to expand the reach and use of disability and rehabilitation (D&R) research findings. Journalists and other experts representing traditional media, social media, and special focus media outlets shared their perspectives on effective strategies to promote the uptake of disability-oriented research findings.
The conference took place over three days (Oct. 27, 29, and 31) with a different focus each day:

  • Traditional Mainstream Media
  • Electronic and Social Media
  • Disability Media and KT Supports

See agenda:,
EXPO - Conference Materials

Visit KTDRR Resources

  • Directory of Journals and Author Guidelines: Includes information about journals in the disability and rehabilitation research field. Search the Directory…
  • Knowledge Translation (KT) Strategies Database: Brings together research evidence on KT tools and strategies. About the KT Strategies Database…
  • KT Casebook: Highlights what NIDILRR grantees are doing in the area of knowledge translation. Review the KT Casebook…
  • Plain Language Summary Tool (PLST): A web-based tool to guide authors through the process of writing a plain language summary of a systematic review. About the PLST…
  • Registry of Systematic Reviews of Disability and Rehabilitation Research: A collection of systematic reviews of research studies on disability and rehabilitation topics. About the Registry…