Carole Estabrooks

Carole Estabrooks, RN, PhD, FCAHS, FAAN, is Professor, Faculty of Nursing, at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and a Canada Research Chair in Knowledge Translation. She is a fellow in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and in the American Academy of Nursing. She leads the Knowledge Utilization Studies Program (KUSP) at the University of Alberta. Dr. Estabrooks' applied health services research program focuses on knowledge translation in the health sciences. She studies the influence of organizations on the uptake of knowledge and the effects of that uptake on quality of care, quality of life/quality of end of life and quality of work life outcomes. Her work is primarily situated in the residential long term care sector and focuses increasingly on quality improvement and the spread and scale-up of innovation. Dr. Estabrooks is a past member and vice-chair of CIHR's Institute of Aging Advisory Board. She is appointed in the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health, is affiliated with the University of Toronto’s Nursing Health Services Research Unit, and is a co-investigator and member of two CIHR funded national teams — the Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network and KT Canada. She teaches in the doctoral program and supervises graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. She holds a number of active research grants in the western provinces, Ontario and Europe. She has developed and continues to evaluate the Alberta Context Tool (ACT) currently in use in nine countries and six languages.