Steve Hanney

Steve Hanney, PhD, has a PhD from the Department of Government at Brunel University. He has spent over 25 years researching a range of topics including: assessing the payback or benefits from health research; the organisation of health research systems; the use of research in decision-making; policymaking for higher education and research systems; measurement of performance or quality in public services - especially higher education and research systems.
With Professor Martin Buxton at the Health Economics Research Group (HERG), Brunel University, he developed the HERG Payback Framework which they, and others, have applied to assess the impact of a range of health research programmes in the UK funded by the public sector and by medical research charities. This work is taking on an increasingly international dimension and Steve has collaborated on, or advised, studies applying the Payback Framework to health research in many countries, including: Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands, and USA.
He has been a consultant to the World Health Organization on several occasions, most recently in relation to preparation for the World Health Report 2013 on the role of health research in improving health. He co-edits the journal Health Research Policy and Systems.