Conference Materials

This section of the Expo features archived presentations and files from the 2016 KT Conference. These include captioned YouTube videos, edited transcripts, and downloadable copies of presentation files (PDF and text versions). Please complete an evaluation after viewing this conference archive

Day 1: Focus on Understanding Your Audiences and Their Needs
Session Presenter(s)
Updates from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
John Tschida and Pimjai Sudsawad NIDILRR

Communicating Science and Engaging the Public
This 1-hour seminar by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) covers why researcher involvement in public communication and engagement of science is valuable, shares strategic science communication tips and resources, and discusses how to find outreach opportunities.

Tiffany Lohwater
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Visualization for Exploration and Communication: A Truthful Art
In the past decade, visualization - the visual representation of information by means of graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, etc. - has become mainstream not only among scientists and researchers, but also in fields like journalism and business intelligence. This presentation is an overview of how to effectively use visualization not only to gain insights from data, but also to convey those insights to audiences.

Alberto Cairo,
University of Miami
Interactive Discussion  

Day 2: Successful Examples of Social Media and Other Strategies
Session Presenter(s)

Gaming Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Translating self-management to promote health and independence of adolescents and young adults with spinal cord dysfunction
This presentation will describe the development and initial evaluation of SCI Hard - a mobile gaming app designed to promote self-management skills among adolescents and young adults with Spinal Cord Injury and Dysfunction (SCI/D). Researchers in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation collaborated with programmers and artists at the University of Michigan 3D Lab to create the health game based on self-management skills, as articulated in the Health Mechanics program. With the assistance and input of individuals with SCI and healthcare providers, SCI Hard was designed as a mobile gaming app that would allow for game play by individuals with high levels of tetraplegia.

Michelle Meade and
Eric Maslowski
University of Michigan

The Americans with Disabilities Act Participatory Action Research Consortium (ADA-PARC): Interactive Data Displays of Community and Work Disparities
The Americans with Disabilities Act Participation Action Research Consortium (ADA-PARC) is focused on conducting participatory action research on participation disparities and opportunities people with disabilities experience in 3 major ADA areas: community living, community participation, and work/economic participation. Partnering with ADA Centers, we have utilized many knowledge translation strategies to show this information in multiple accessible formats to diverse stakeholders and disability community organizations so they can use the findings to effect systems change in their communities and action plan how to address documented participation disparities. We will share these strategies and our summary findings in this presentation.

Joy Hammel
University of Illinois at Chicago, and
Lex Frieden
Independent Living Research Utilization Program (ILRU)

The App Factory: An innovative approach to development of mobile accessibility and assistive technology apps
This workshop presents the concept, rationale and experiences of the Wireless RERC's “App Factory” – an effective model for technology development that entails secondary dispersal of grant funds to external developers through a competitive selection process. The focus is on rapid development and deployment of assistive technology solutions (R&D timelines for projects generally are limited to 1 year), leveraging existing distribution networks (mobile app marketplaces). The App Factory addresses the need for agility and adaptability of development efforts undertaken in a rapidly-changing technology environment, and it takes advantage of extramural technical expertise. The performance of the 20 projects funded by the Wireless RERC’s over 4 years will be reviewed. Advantages and challenges of this "factory" model will be discussed.

Mike Jones and
John Morris
Shepherd Center

Interactive Discussion


Day 3: Measuring Impact of Social Media and Other Strategies
Session Presenter(s)
Building a Social Media Campaign that Produces Measurable Outcomes
If researchers are to truly move research into practice, some of the most accessible communication tools available are social media. Many researchers are already using social media to connect with supporters or as a means to reach the specific population that pertains to their area of study. This outreach can be measured for efficacy if the social media campaign has specific behavioral outcome goals. In this session, learn the GOAL POST framework for setting up your social media outreach. By using this framework, you can set up a program that is tailored to meet your needs. We will look at some case studies of other researchers that have used social media with success and answer any questions about how this can apply to your own projects.
Kami Huyse, Zoetica Media
Social Media - Power and Potential: Lessons learned
The power of social media can be harnessed to facilitate interactions, develop relationships, and establish digital communities and professional learning networks that support knowledge mobilization processes. Technological advances in social media have made it possible to not only disseminate knowledge and research but to also connect academics, researchers and practitioners, while building communities for partnerships, collaboration and sharing. Drawing from the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER) initiative (, the presenters will share the successes and challenges of measuring the impact of the social media strategy, and elaborate on the potential of social media in acting as a platform to develop meaningful connections across networks.
Linda Nicolson,
Sofya Malik,
& Davoud Sarfaraz,
Ontario Ministry of Education
Twitter Marketing Tactics: Strategies that Work
Ever wonder how some people get lots of Twitter followers? What is their secret sauce? It's not a magic pill. It takes a plan of action and learning simple strategies to help set you apart from the masses. Twitter Expert Madalyn Sklar will break it down and show you the formula that will help you stand out and get noticed, increase your followers, be more productive, and measure your impact. In this session you’ll learn 6 tactics that will help you be better organized, build momentum, get attention and gain new Twitter followers.
Madalyn Sklar, The Sklar Agency

Interactive Discussion


Last Updated: Friday, 07 March 2025 at 11:35 PM CST