Kami Huyse

Kami Huyse, CEO, Zoetica, @kamichat is a digital strategist, speaker and author, connecting people and ideas. She connects businesses with their customers, builds community and drives measurable results. As the CEO of Zoetica, a digital marketing and public relations agency, she and her team help community minded clients get results by building relationships with their customers and supporters.
Huyse speaks more than a dozen times annually at events and conferences nationwide on social media measurement, influence, strategy and online civility. She is the author of How to Use Social Media, Win Business and Find Influencers; Cause Marketing Essentials and the Road to Success; and is a contributor to Welcome to the Fifth Estate and the textbook Public Relations Writing: Form and Style. She was also served as the technical editor for Civility in the Digital Age.
She is the architect of many award-winning social media marketing and influencer relations programs and earned two Society for New Communications Research Social Media awards and the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) Gold Quill of Excellence Award.