
Christina Bard, MRC, CRC
Community Education Director, UK-HDI

Photo of Christina Bard

Christina Bard is the Community Education Director for UK-HDI and a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. For more than 10 years, she has been working in assistive technology assessment, accessibility assessment, home modification, and UD.  Ms. Bard is also the PI and Project Director for the UK-HDI Center for Assistive Technology Services (CATS), funded through the Assistive Technology Act. She served on the AUCD Project Advisory Committee from 2013-2015. Ms. Bard worked with UK administration on a UK Smart House workgroup collaborating with faculty and directors across the University, and on a Community of Practice in UD. In 2016, she was appointed to the board of Independence Place, Lexington’s Center for Independent Living, and has served as Vice-Chair since 2017. She was also appointed in 2016 to the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Mayor’s Commission for People with Disabilities, and voted as Vice-President of the Commission in 2018. She also served as the Chair of the Housing Committee for the Lexington Livable Cities initiative.  In 2018, she was invited to participate on the Kentucky Housing Authority’s Weatherization Advisory Council, and in 2019 she was invited to be a member of the Center for Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research Expert Review Panel.  In 2019 she began serving on a national workgroup of the Consumer Technology Association working on developing an indoor navigation standard for wayfinding for individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities.

Conference Presentation

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