an affiliate of American Institutes for Research

KT Update

An e-newsletter from the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Vol. 3, No. 4 - May 2015


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KT Update was developed by SEDL's Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) through grant #H133A120012 to SEDL from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Community Living (ACL). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal government.

Copyright © 2015 by SEDL, an affiliate of American Institutes for Research

SAVE THE DATE! 2015 KT Conference
Knowledge Translation Solutions for Overcoming Barriers to Research Use
October 26, 28, 30 (1–5 PM ET)

Knowledge translation (KT) strategies are used by NIDILRR grantees to share their research with a variety of audiences. KT activities are used to create a change in awareness, behavior, or action on the part of the identified audience. This online conference is designed to help grantees identify barriers, as well as strategies to overcome barriers, to the use of their NIDILRR-funded research. The conference will be oriented to identifying solutions to problems or limitations in participants’ planned KT activities.

Oct. 26: Understanding Your Audience and Their Needs
Oct. 28: Environments, Formats, and Strategies
Oct. 30: Policy and Outcomes

Visit 2015 KT Conference website:

KTDRR's New Online Resources

Resources for Conducting Systematic Reviews highlights tools and resources that support the conduct of systematic reviews. There has been an explosion of development in this area in past years, so this resource guide necessarily focuses on the most commonly used tools and resources. We organize the guide by the typical steps followed in conducting a systematic review; however, many tools overlap these categories and we attempt to highlight this overlap when it occurs. Resources for Conducting Systematic Reviews was developed by the Center on KTDRR and the University of Washington Center for Technology and Disability Studies (UWCTDS).

STORIFY: A forum and workshop, “An Evolving Landscape: Promoting Knowledge Transfer and Behavior Change in Online and Offline Environments” took place on April 29, as a pre-NARRTC Conference activity co-sponsored by KTDRR. A panel of experts was gathered by AIR's Health & Social Development Program to discuss these issues, with breakout sessions including panelists:

  • Julia Galdo (Moderator): Managing Director, Health Communication and Social Marketing, AIR
  • Bradford Hesse: Chief, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, National Cancer Institute
  • Daniel Davenport: Executive Director, THINK Interactive Inc.
  • Aaron Lichtig: Head of Industry, Advocacy and Associations, Google
  • Kevin O'Connor: President, User Insight

Visit Storify to view the Excitement, Kickoff, Panel, Breakouts, Recap, and Additional Resources.

WORKSHOP: Qualitative Research Synthesis. This series of online webinars aims to introduce D&R researchers to the methodology of qualitative evidence reviews. Presenters provided a state-of-the-art overview on current approaches and how to apply them to the literature base, followed by a Q&A session. Pre-approved for 4 CRC-CEUs through 2-28-16 (for completed series).


Community of Practice on KT and Evidence for Disability & Rehabilitation Research

SEDL's Center on KTDRR invites you to participate in a Community of Practice (CoP) on Knowledge Translation and Evidence for D&R Research (CoP-EDR), which focuses on the creation, evaluation and use of evidence and related topics. A CoP provides people with similar interests and needs a venue to help one another to support and improve their professional activities. Members benefit when they ‘get something’ from others, but may benefit even more when they have something to share with other members.

The CoP uses email, teleconferencing and webcasts to connect with one another, to participate in meetings of the entire group and of subgroups, as needed. The facilitator is Dr. Marcel Dijkers, Research Professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

Please send email to Joann Starks if you would like more information about the KTDRR's Community of Practice.

2015 Knowledge Translation Casebook

Share your NIDILRR-funded knowledge translation (KT) experience with the Center on KTDRR for inclusion in the 2015 KT Casebook! All NIDILRR grantees share a goal “to promote the generation and effective use of knowledge in areas of importance to individuals with disabilities and their families” (NIDILRR Long-Range Plan for 2013-2017). Grantee contributions to the KT Casebook will help advance our knowledge about KT activities working within the parameters of a NIDILRR grant activity. To highlight your project's work in the 2015 KT Casebook, please fill out this short form and our staff will get in touch with you soon! The 2014 KT Casebook highlighting grantees' KT efforts in our community is now available.