Josie Byzek

Josie Byzek, is managing editor and social media manager for the award-winning New Mobility, a lifestyle magazine for wheelchair users published by the United Spinal Association. Now in her 14th year with the magazine, she refined and strengthened New Mobility’s social media platforms over the past year, focusing on Facebook and Twitter. Both platforms are steadily growing with increased interactions from readers. New Mobility covers “Life On Wheels,” and Byzek seeks to build multiple applications into everything she writes and edits. A notable example is April 2014's cover package, “Taming Our Fear of Flying,” which explores every aspect of air travel for people who use wheelchairs — from clearing security to rolling off the plane at their destination. It also synthesizes survey results from over 1,000 respondents who use wheelchairs as well as presents information on the rights of air travelers with disabilities. This article is of practical use to anyone who uses a wheelchair and flies as well to advocates interested in improving the flying experience for wheelchair users. Email her at JByzek@unitedspinal.org or find her on LinkedIn.