NIDRR's Knowledge Translation Centers

Americans with Disabilities Act National Network Knowledge Translation Center (ADA-KT)
Mark Harniss, Ph.D., is a Clinical Associate Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine and a Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Technology and Disability Studies with a background in the design and development of instructional and assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Currently, he is co-director of the NIDILRR-funded ADA Knowledge Translation Center with lead responsibility in knowledge management and technology.
SEDL's Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research (KTER)
Kathleen Murphy is a Project Director with SEDL's Disability Research to Practice (DRP) program. Dr. Murphy is research director for SEDL’s Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research and the evaluation and technical assistance manager for the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange (CIRRIE)
Shannon Patridge is an academic librarian specializing in health sciences and digital resources. She is a research assistant and social media manager for CIRRIE as well as a freelance publicist.
Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT)
James Leahy, BS, is Co-Principal Investigator on the NIDILRR-funded Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) at the University at Buffalo. Mr. Leahy leads Project D1, where he generates new product outcomes from original R&&D and demonstrates effective technology transfer practices to US Department of Education/National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research technology grantees.
Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC)
Dahlia Shaewitz is a Senior Research Analyst at American Institutes for Research (AIR). Ms. Shaewitz leads the knowledge translation technical assistance tasks for the Model Systems KT Center. She has also managed state and federally-funded education policy and research projects about adult and special education, and Medicare. Some of her other areas of expertise include professional development, online training, website development and usability testing.
Cynthia Overton is a Senior Research Analyst with American Institutes for Research (AIR). Dr. Overton currently serves as co-project director for the Model Systems KT Center. Her work focuses on knowledge translation, disability issues, assistive and learning technologies, program evaluation, and the use of emerging and innovative tools for technical assistance.
National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)
Mark Odum, Project Director
Mark has been a part of the NARIC project since its earliest days at Catholic University. He became Project Director in 1987. Under Mark's leadership, NARIC has been at the forefront of evolving library technology including bulletin board systems, packaged and online databases, user-friendly websites, and virtual reference.
Jessica H. Chaiken, Media and Information Services Manager
Jess joined NARIC in 1996 after completing a Masters in American Sign Language Linguistics at Gallaudet University. As a member and leader of the Media Team, Jess developed NARIC's web presence, including the move to online databases. She introduced virtual reference, social media, and push/alert services. Jess completed her Master of Library and Information Services at Drexel University in 2012.
SEDL's Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)
Joann Starks is a Program Associate with SEDL's Disability Research to Practice (DRP) program, working with SEDL's Centers on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research (KTER) and Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR).