
Kathryn Oliver

Photo of Kathryn Oliver

Kathryn Oliver, PhD, is a Departmental Lecturer in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention (DSPI) at the University of Oxford. She studied Molecular Biology at University College London (UCL,2003). Via a MSc in History of Science, Technology and Medicine (2004), she soon became interested in broader questions about how scientific knowledge and expertise are constructed, owned and used. Her PhD (Manchester, 2012) was half sociology, half public health, exploring social networks of power, influence and evidence-use in public health policymaking. During this period she held research and consultancy positions at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the EPPI-Centre, BMJ Group, the Royal College of Surgeons, and Nuffield Trust.

After postdoctoral positions in Manchester Sociology and Manchester Business School (Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for Greater Manchester), she was awarded a fellowship and lectureship in Knowledge and Policy Networks at UCL. Dr Oliver is Associate Editor of Evidence and Policy journal, an expert advisor for the World Health Organization (WHO), a member of SocSocMed and INSNA, and a regular contributor to Research Fortnight and other media.