
Jeff Johnson
Missouri People First

Photo of Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson was born in Stuttgart, Arkansas and raised Sikeston, Missouri, where he had graduated from high school in 1990. He’s currently working on his associate degree in Social Behavioral Science thought Moberly Community College here in Columbia, Missouri.

He is a Co-chairperson for the (RV and RC) Real Voices and Real Choices for the Department of Mental Health for the Developmental Disabilities side. He has been part of the Real Voices and Real Choices Conference Committee since it all began in 2008, and a conference committee board member for 12 years.

He also has held the position as the Advocacy Specialist for 12 years at the Columbia Regional Office, to advocate on behalf of self – Advocates and their family.

He is the President of People First of Missouri, and Vice – President of Columbia, Missouri People First. What People First is. People First of Missouri is a self – advocacy organization that was formed by, and run by, and exists for people with developmental disabilities in the state of Missouri. He has sat on many boards and committees on the state, local, and federal level. If you would like more information on People First of Missouri, you can go to their website at or you can email them at

Conference Presentation