Seeta Ramdass
Director, Seeta Ramdass Consultants; co-chair, McGill University Health Centre Users’ Committee; founding member, Community Health Montreal

Seeta Ramdass has a solid understanding of health care systems and working with university teaching hospitals, as well as the needs of patients and their families, thanks to a career spanning more than 25 years in the health care public relations and communications field. Most recently she was director of public relations and communications for St. Mary’s Hospital Centre, a spokesperson for the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), and also held patient advocacy roles in the Montreal community.
Ms. Ramdass is known for her dedication to the advancement of equitable health care for patients and families and in particular for encouraging cultural sensitivity with respect to ethnicity, race, religion, language, disability, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic factors. To that end, she has served on task forces for the McGill University Faculty of Medicine and for other local and international hospital and university networks. Ms. Ramdass is a leader of Community Health Montreal, a patient-centric initiative that is working with socioculturally marginalized communities to tailor the delivery of health care services to the needs of each community. The initiative is an outgrowth of the patient and clinician engagement movement of the North American Primary Care Research Group, which has brought together doctors, researchers, health care workers, and patients to empower patients as equal partners in decisions about health care delivery. Ms. Ramdass is involved with many task forces and health and education organizations dedicated to socioculturally safe and sensitive health care.