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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Tse, C. M., Chisholm, A. E., Lam, T., & Eng, J. J. (2018). A systematic review of the effectiveness of task-specific rehabilitation interventions for improving independent sitting and standing function in spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 41(3), 254-266.
Keywords: Equilibrium, intervention, literature reviews, mobility, outcomes, physical therapy, posture, rehabilitation services, spinal cord injuries
Abstract: Study assessed the evidence on the effectiveness of task-specific training on sitting and standing function in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) across the continuum of care. A systematic search was conducted for literature published to June 2016 involving: people with acute or chronic SCI, task-specific interventions compared to conventional physical therapy, and sitting or standing balance function outcomes. Nineteen articles were included in the review: three RCTs, two prospective controlled trials, one cross-over study, nine pre-post studies, and four prospective cohort studies. The PEDro scale was used to investigate the susceptibility to bias and trial quality of the randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A standardized mean difference (SMD) was conducted to investigate the effect size for interventions with sitting or standing balance outcomes. RCT and cross-over studies were rated from 6 to 8 indicating good quality on the PEDro scale. The SMD of task-specific interventions in sitting compared to active and inactive (no training) control groups was ?0.09 and 0.39 respectively, indicating that the addition of task-specific exercises did not affect sit and reach test performance significantly. Similarly, the addition of body weight-supported training did not significantly affect the Berg Balance Scale compared to conventional physical therapy ?0.36. Task-specific interventions reported in uncontrolled trials revealed positive effects on sitting and standing balance function. Few RCT studies provided balance outcomes, and those that were evaluated indicated negligible effect sizes. Given the importance of balance control underpinning all aspects of daily activities, there is a need for further research to evaluate specific features of training interventions to improve both sitting and standing balance function in SCI.
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Record Updated:2022-03-22

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