Webcast: Assessing the Quality and Applicability of Systematic Reviews (AQASR)
About the Webcast
This webcast provides a brief overview of the topic of systematic reviews and introduces Assessing the Quality and Applicability of Systematic Reviews (AQASR), a document and checklist designed to help busy clinicians, administrators, and researchers. AQASR describes a series of critical questions, with a rationale and items to look for, that can be asked of every systematic review. The checklist is a tool for readers to make notes that help reveal the strengths and weaknesses of a systematic review, in general, and as relevant to their particular clinical question or other practical concerns. Following this webcast, Dr. Dijkers will lead an online workshop over several weeks that will present each question in detail so participants can learn to apply the AQASR tool.
On September 29, 2023, KTDRR launched an updated, online version of the AQASR Checklist. We encourage you to visit the updated AQASR Checklist at its new location.
View the Archive
The webcast can be viewed via YouTube (you do not need a YouTube Account): http://youtu.be/MI_HDGdgEvw (Link opens new window)
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- Edited transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ DOC 101kb)
- Questions and Answers (MS Word™ DOC 28kb)
Presentation Materials
- PowerPoint™ presentation (.PPT format 693kb) OR (.PDF format 413kb)
- Text description of PowerPoint™ presentation (MS Word Doc - 82kb)
- Evaluation
- Please fill out the brief evaluation after viewing the webcast.
About the Presenter

Marcel Dijkers, PhD, FACRM, is research professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and senior investigator in the Brain Injury Research Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Dijkers is director of the NIDILRR-funded Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) on Classification and Measurement of Medical Rehabilitation Interventions, as well as the Mt. Sinai Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training project. He is also senior investigator for the New York TBI Model System (NY-TBI-MS) funded by NIDILRR. Dr. Dijkers has published more than 120 articles and chapters on the social and functional consequences of SCI/TBI, the delivery of health services for these conditions, outcome measurement, and methodological and statistical issues in rehabilitation research.