KT Planning to Implementation to Outcomes
About the Webcast
As a follow-up to her KT Conference presentation on Nov. 3, Melanie Barwick was available to assist NIDILRR grantees on KT planning and measurement, using the KT Planning Template© (KTPT). One activity of the Center on KTDRR has been to work with grantees on use of the KTPT as a planning tool. Dr. Barwick briefly describes the purpose and use of the KTPT, and primarily focused on responding to grantee experiences using this tool for planning, implementation, and measuring outcomes.
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This webcast originally aired on November 8, 2017: Video link https://youtu.be/5mAp8G2NyCY
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- Download a PDF copy of the slides used during the session: webcast44_110817.pdf
- Transcript of the video (MS Word™ DOC – 46kb)
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About the Presenter

Melanie Barwick, PhD, CPsych, is a Senior Scientist in the Child Evaluative Sciences Program of the Research Institute, and Head of the Child and Youth Mental Health Research Unit (CYMHRU) in the Department of Psychiatry at SickKids (The Hospital for Sick Children). She is affiliated with the SickKids’ Learning Institute where she conducts professional development in knowledge translation, and with the SickKids Centre for Global Child Health, as a scientist and member of the leadership.
At the University of Toronto, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. She is an Executive Board Member for the Children and Youth in Challenging Contexts (CCYC) Network Centre of Excellence and the Global Implementation Initiative (GII), and an Associate Editor for the journal, Evidence & Policy.
Dr. Barwick is an internationally recognized expert in implementation science and knowledge translation, and has a program of research that spans health, mental health, education, and global health sectors. Her research aims to improve the implementation of evidence into practice and to broaden the reach of evidence more generally to support decision making, policy, knowledge and awareness.