Webcast: Developing the KT Plan to Build Research Impact
About the Webcast
A well-developed knowledge translation (KT) plan is a proposal requirement for health research funding for many funders in North America and abroad, and there is greater attention to research utilization and research impact in many aspects of disability and rehabilitation research. Dr. Melanie Barwick will discuss developing a KT plan in order to increase the impact and reach of research findings to a variety of knowledge users. She will review the state of the scientific evidence for KT strategies and introduce the Knowledge Translation Planning Template© (Barwick 2008, 2013), a tool that can assist with the planning process.
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- The webcast can be viewed via YouTube (you do not need a YouTube Account): http://youtu.be/lLtRzjjn6ak (Link opens new window)
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- Edited transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ DOC - 157kb)
- The webcast can be viewed via YouTube (you do not need a YouTube Account): http://youtu.be/lLtRzjjn6ak (Link opens new window)
- Presentation Materials
- PowerPoint™ presentation (.PPT format 3.6MB) OR (.PDF format 2.7MB)
- Text description of PowerPoint™ presentation (MS Word™ DOC - 101kb)
- Knowledge Translation Planning Template
- Evaluation
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About the Presenter

Melanie Barwick, PhD, CPsych, is a Registered Psychologist and Senior Associate Scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario. She is Scientific Director of Knowledge Translation within the Child Health Evaluative Sciences program. Her program of research in implementation science and knowledge translation explores empirically supported approaches, measures and tools to support the implementation of evidence-based practices in mental health, education, health, and global health contexts. (See her website at www.melaniebarwick.com).
Dr. Barwick holds appointments as Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. She also leads a technical support team for 107 service provider organizations using the “Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale,” supporting Ontario’s outcome measurement initiative for children’s mental health for the Ministry of Child and Youth Services.
She provides professional development in knowledge translation internationally through the Scientist Knowledge Translation Training™ (for researchers) and the Knowledge Translation Professional Certificate™ (for KT practitioners. She consults to government and service providers in the child and youth mental health, education and health sectors.