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1. Citation: Tasca, G., & Machado, P. P. (2013). Eating disorder psychotherapy research – beyond the brand: Introduction to a special section.  Psychotherapy Research, 23(3). doi:10.1080/10503307.2013.796425
Title: Eating disorder psychotherapy research – beyond the brand: Introduction to a special section
Author(s): Tasca, G.
Machado, P. P.
Year: 2013
Journal/Publication: Psychotherapy Research
Abstract: Tasca and Machado explore the disparities in the dissemination by researchers and the uptake by clinicians in the area of psychotherapy research, specifically related to eating disorders.  Several reasons for the lack of evidence-based research implementation are hypothesized. For example, clinicians may not perceive participants in randomized controlled trials to be representative of their clients with eating disorders.

Type of Item: Review KT Strategies
Type of KT Strategy: Clinical Practice Guidelines
Target Group: Healthcare Professional
Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2013-11-06