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1. Citation: Mayo-Wilson, E., Grant, S., Hopewell, S., Macdonald, G., Moher, D., & Montgomery, P. (2013). Developing a reporting guideline for social and psychological intervention trials. Trials, 14, 242. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-242
Title: Developing a reporting guideline for social and psychological intervention trials
Author(s): Mayo-Wilson, E.
Grant, S.
Hopewell, S.
Macdonald, G.
Moher, D.
Montgomery, P.
Year: 2013
Journal/Publication: Trials

Social and psychological interventions are often complex. Understanding randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of these complex interventions requires a detailed description of the interventions tested and the methods used to evaluate them; however, RCT reports often omit, or inadequately report, this information. Incomplete and inaccurate reporting hinders the optimal use of research, wastes resources, and fails to meet ethical obligations to research participants and consumers. In this paper, we explain how reporting guidelines have improved the quality of reports in medicine, and describe the ongoing development of a new reporting guideline for RCTs: CONSORT-SPI (an Extension for social and psychological interventions). We invite readers to participate in the project by visiting our website, in order to help us reach the best-informed consensus on these guidelines (


Randomised controlled trial; RCT; CONSORT-SPI; Reporting guideline; Reporting standards

Copyright © 2013 Mayo-Wilson et al. Abstract reprinted by AIR in compliance with the BioMed Central Open Access Charter at

Type of Item: Review KT Strategies
Target Group: Healthcare Professional
Evidence Level: 2
Record Updated:2013-08-06