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1. Citation: Shikako-Thomas, K., & Majnemer, A. (2013). Are you knowledgeable about knowledge translation? Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 33(4), 369-371. doi: 10.3109/01942638.2013.840463.
Title: Are you knowledgeable about knowledge translation?
Author(s): Shikako-Thomas, K.
Majnemer, A.
Year: 2013
Journal/Publication: Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
Abstract: This three page paper gives a brief overview of some of the important concepts regarding integrated knowledge translation knowledge translation, specifically for an audience of physical and occupational therapists.  Brief mention is given to concepts like knowledge brokers, communities of practice and stakeholder engagement.

Type of Item: Review KT Strategies
Record Updated:2015-01-09