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1. Citation: Stevens, M., Liabo, K., Frost, S., & Roberts, H. (2005). Using research in practice: A research information service for social care practitioners. Child & Family Social Work10(1), 67-75.
Title: Using research in practice: A research information service for social care practitioners
Author(s): Stevens, M.
Liabo, K.
Frost, S.
Roberts, H.
Year: 2005
Journal/Publication: Child and Family Social Work
Abstract: The present article describes a knowledge translation model aimed at decreasing the gap between research and practice in child social care. The Research Information Service, provided by the What Works for Children (WWfC) project in the UK, was created to support practitioners in accessing and utilizing research findings in their service-planning. Researchers identified answers to practitioners' questions by conducting quick literature searches, summarizing key findings, and identifying limitations to studies' applicability to specific contexts. The present article describes the program, the types of questions asked, the types of evidence located, and user feedback. The results indicate potential sources of barriers between research and practice, including a disconnect between what practitioners want from research and what research provides.

Type of Item: Research Study
Type of KT Strategy: Audit and Feedback
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Critical Appraisal
Knowledge Broker
Online Resources
Target Group: Researchers
Service Provider
Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2016-07-18