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1. Citation: Dobbins, M., Robeson, P., Ciliska, D., Hanna, S., Cameron, R., O'Mara, L., DeCorby, K., Mercer, S. (2009). A description of a knowledge broker role implemented as part of a randomized controlled trial evaluating three knowledge translation strategies. Implementation Science, 4(23).
Title: A description of a knowledge broker role implemented as part of a randomized controlled trial evaluating three knowledge translation strategies
Author(s): Maureen Dobbins
Paula Robeson
Donna Ciliska
Steve Hanna
Roy Cameron
Linda O'Mara
Kara DeCorby
Shawna Mercer
Year: 2009
Journal/Publication: Implementation Science

Background: A knowledge broker (KB) is a popular knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) strategy emerging in Canada to promote interaction between researchers and end users, as well as to develop capacity for evidence-informed decision making. A KB provides a link between research producers and end users by developing a mutual understanding >of goals and cultures, collaborates with end users to identify issues and problems for which solutions are required, and >facilitates the identification, access, assessment, interpretation, and translation of research evidence into local policy and >practice. Knowledge-brokering can be carried out by individuals, groups and/or organizations, as well as entire countries. >In each case, the KB is linked with a group of end users and focuses on promoting the integration of the best available >evidence into policy and practice-related decisions.

Methods: A KB intervention comprised one of three KTE interventions evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. >Results: KB activities were classified into the following categories: initial and ongoing needs assessments; scanning the >horizon; knowledge management; KTE; network development, maintenance, and facilitation; facilitation of individual >capacity development in evidence informed decision making; and g) facilitation of and support for organizational change. >Conclusion: As the KB role developed during this study, central themes that emerged as particularly important included >relationship development, ongoing support, customized approaches, and opportunities for individual and organizational c >apacity development. The novelty of the KB role in public health provides a unique opportunity to assess the need for and reaction to the role and its associated activities. Future research should include studies to evaluate the effectiveness of KBs in different settings and among different health care professionals, and to explore the optimal preparation and >training of KBs, as well as the identification of the personality characteristics most closely associated with KB >effectiveness. Studies should also seek to better understand which combination of KB activities are associated with >optimal evidence-informed decision making outcomes, and whether the combination changes in different settings and among different health care decision makers.


Type of Item: Research Study

Type of KT Strategy: Facilitation
Knowledge Broker
Online Resources

Target Group: Administrator
Healthcare Professional

Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2021-05-18