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1. Citation:

Romney, W., Salbach, N., Parrott, J. S., & Deutsch, J. E. (2018). A knowledge translation intervention designed using audit and feedback and the Theoretical Domains Framework for physical therapists working in inpatient rehabilitation: A case report. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1–17.


A knowledge translation intervention designed using audit and feedback and the Theoretical Domains Framework for physical therapists working in inpatient rehabilitation: A case report

Author(s): Wendy Romney
Nancy Salbach
James Scott Parrott
Judith E Deutsch
Year: 2019
Journal/Publication: Physiotherapy Theory and Practice

This case report describes how a knowledge translation intervention within a sub-acute rehabilitation hospital can be developed through audit and feedback from stakeholders while using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Specifically, Romney et al. (2019) presented two outcome measures for the clinicians to choose and then develop a KT intervention: 1) the 4-m walk test is a performance-based measure that measures gait speed, and 2) the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) (Stratford, Gill, Westaway, and Binkley, 1995), which is a self-report measure that can be used for patients who need support with mobility, or may not be ambulating entirely. The clinicians selected an outcome measure, planned for the intervention, determined the outcome, and used audit and feedback to develop the KT intervention from start to finish.



Type of Item: Planning Instrument

Type of KT Strategy: Audit and Feedback
Case Study
Focus Group

Target Group: Healthcare Professional
Service Provider

Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2021-10-25