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1. Citation:

Angela Dew & Katherine M Boydell (2017) Knowledge translation: bridging the disability research-to-practice gap. Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 4(2), 142-157, DOI: 10.1080/23297018.2017.1315610


Knowledge translation: bridging the disability research-to-practice gap

Author(s): Angela Dew
Katherine M Boydell
Year: 2017
Journal/Publication: Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This article provides two studies to show how a Knowledge Translation (KT) framework, the Knowledge to Action Process, can be used and applied in combination with a KT plan to assist in the integration of research-based evidence. Because KT is emerging in the field of disability as a key aspect of bridging the research-to-practice gap, Dew and Boydell (2017) felt it important to provide examples that follow best practices using a conceptual framework like the Knowledge to Action Process. The examples showed that using the Knowledge to Action Process helped ensure stakeholders' buy-in and enhanced the likelihood of research influencing practice and policy.


Type of Item: Literature Review

Type of KT Strategy: Narrative Summary

Target Group: Researchers

Evidence Level: 2
Record Updated:2021-12-06