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1. Citation: Harlos, K., Tetroe, J., Graham, I., Bird, M., Robinson, N. (2012). Mining the management literature for insights into implementing evidence-based change in healthcare. Healthcare Policy, 8(1), 33-48. doi:10.12927.
Title: Mining the management literature for insights into implementing evidence-based change in healthcare
Author(s): Harlos, K.
Tetroe, J.
Graham, I.
Bird, M.
Robinson, N.
Year: 2012
Journal/Publication: Healthcare Policy
Abstract: Due to the complex nature and under utilization of evidence based practices in healthcare, Harlos et al. posit that a cross-disciplinary synthesis of research may help to ameliorate local management deficits.  A systematic narrative synthesis approach was implemented in order to explain relationships between 100 different studies from the top 5 management journals.  For this knowledge synthesis, knowledge translation was identified as either direct, intermediate, or indirect.  Among these studies, 10 broad categories of organizational factors emerged.  Although a detailed analysis of barriers, facilitators and proximal influences of knowledge translation was beyond the scope of this article, themes relating to power dynamics, teamwork and inclusiveness and more are discussed.

Type of Item: Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis
Target Group: Business/Employer/Industry
Healthcare Professional
Research Funders
Evidence Level: 5
Record Updated:2013-07-31