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1. Citation: Hall, W.A., Bandsmer, J. C., Gregg, K., & Ebbehoj, C. (2013). Translating knowledge directly to childbearing women: A study of Canadian women's preferences. Health Care For Women International, 34(5), 363-379. doi:10.1080/07399332.2012.740109
Title: Translating knowledge directly to childbearing women: A study of Canadian women's preferences
Author(s): Hall, W.
Brandsmer, J. C.
Gregg, K.
Ebbehoj, C.
Year: 2013
Journal/Publication: Health Care for Women International
Abstract: This research paper examines healthy pregnant women in their third trimesters and their fears, concerns, anxieties and other emotions.  Specifically, research focused on including the target population in the knowledge translation process. Qualitative analysis, open ended questions, barriers, facilitators, and dissemination practices were also detailed.

Type of Item: Research Study
Type of KT Strategy: Questionnaires
Social Network Analysis
Target Group: Researchers
Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2015-01-12