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1. Citation: Marshall, A. P., West, S. H., & Aitken, L. M. (2013). Clinical credibility and trustworthiness are key characteristics used to identify colleagues from whom to seek information. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 22, 1424-1433. doi:10.1111/jocn.12070
Title: Clinical credibility and trustworthiness are key characteristics used to identify colleagues from whom to seek information
Author(s): Marshall, A. P.
West, S. H.
Aitken, L. M.
Year: 2013
Journal/Publication: Journal of Clinical Nursing
Abstract: Marshall et al. discuss the importance of reliable, available information for clinical decision making by nurses. This study aims to explore the important characteristics of individuals from whom participants sought information for clinical decision making. Naturalistic case study methods were used in two Australian intensive care units to implement a think aloud data collection method. Results indicate that participants strongly preferred using colleagues as their source of information. More specific characteristics, such as approachability, trustworthiness, and level of clinical experience, were also identified.

Type of Item: Research Study
Type of KT Strategy: Social Network Analysis
Target Group: Decision Maker
Healthcare Professional
Service Provider
Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2014-08-21