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1. Citation: Salvalaggio, G., Dong, K., Vandenberghe, C., Kirkland, S., Mramor, K., Brown, T., Taylor, M., McKim, R., Cummings, G. G., & Wild, T. C. (2013). Enhancing screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment among socioeconomically disadvantaged patients: study protocol for a knowledge exchange intervention involving patients and physicians. BMC Health Services Research, 13, 108. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-108
Title: Enhancing screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment among socioeconomically disadvantaged patients: study protocol for a knowledge exchange intervention involving patients and physicians
Author(s): Salvalaggio, G.
Dong, K.
Vandenberghe, C.
Kirkland, S.
Mramor, K.
Brown, T.
Taylor, M.
McKim, R.
Cummings, G. G.
Wild, T. C.
Year: 2013
Journal/Publication: BMC Health Services Research


Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT) is an effective approach for managing alcohol and other drug misuse in primary care; however, uptake into routine care has been limited. Uptake of SBIRT by healthcare providers may be particularly problematic for disadvantaged populations exhibiting alcohol and other drug problems, and requires creative approaches to enhance patient engagement. This knowledge translation project developed and evaluated a group of patient and health care provider resources designed to enhance the capacity of health care providers to use SBIRT and improve patient engagement with health care.


A nonrandomized, two-group, pre-post, quasi-experimental intervention design was used, with baseline, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Low income patients using alcohol and other drugs and who sought care in family medicine and emergency medicine settings in Edmonton, Canada, along with physicians providing care in these settings, were recruited. Patients and physicians were allocated to the intervention or control condition by geographic location of care. Intervention patients received a health care navigation booklet developed by inner city community members and also had access to an experienced community member for consultation on health service navigation. Intervention physicians had access to online educational modules, accompanying presentations, point of care resources, addiction medicine champions, and orientations to the inner city. Resource development was informed by a literature review, needs assessment, and iterative consultation with an advisory board and other content experts. Participants completed baseline and follow-up questionnaires (6 months for patients, 6 and 12 months for physicians) and administrative health service data were also retrieved for consenting patients. Control participants were provided access to all resources after follow-up data collection was completed. The primary outcome measure was patient satisfaction with care; secondary outcome measures included alcohol and drug use, health care and addiction treatment use, uptake of SBIRT strategies, and physician attitudes about addiction.


Effective knowledge translation requires careful consideration of the intended knowledge recipient’s context and needs. Knowledge translation in disadvantaged settings may be optimized by using a community-based participatory approach to resource development that takes into account relevant patient engagement issues.


Addiction; Screening; Brief intervention; Family medicine; Emergency medicine; Underserved patients; Patient engagement

Copyright © 2013 Salvalaggio, G. et al. Abstract reprinted by AIR in compliance with the BioMed Central Open Access Charter at


Type of Item: Research Study

Type of KT Strategy: Opinion Leader/Champion
Printed Educational Materials

Target Group: Healthcare Professional

Evidence Level: 4
Record Updated:2025-01-31