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1. Citation: Kimber, M., Barwick, M., & Fearing, G. (2012). Becoming an evidence-based service provider: Staff perceptions and experiences of organizational change. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 39(3), 314-332.
Title: Becoming an evidence-based service provider: Staff perceptions and experiences of organizational change
Author(s): Kimber, M.
Barwick, M.
Fearing, G.
Year: 2012
Journal/Publication: The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research
Abstract: In this article Kimber et al. (2012) explore pediatric behavioral health staff perceptions of the implementation on multiple evidence based practices.  Various relevant constructs are examined including organizational culture, climate, effective leadership, and managerial patience in relation to organizational implementation and change processes.  This exploratory case study design uses the National Implementation Research Network's (NIRN) implementation model to analyze staff perceptions of the change processes over a four year period.  Responses to the questionnaires indicated a steady increase in staff understanding of evidence based practices (EBP).  However, less gain was seen in staff perceptions of clinical transformation within the organization.  Further details for managers perceptions and organizational learning will be provided in subsequent publications.

Type of Item: Review KT Strategies
Type of KT Strategy: Continuous Quality Improvement/Total Quality Management
Multifaceted Interventions
Working Groups
Target Group: Healthcare Professional
Service Provider
Evidence Level: 3
Record Updated:2013-07-18