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1. Citation: Montgomery, P., Mayo-Wilson, E., and Dennis, J. (2008). Personal assistance for children and adolescents (0-18) with both physical and intellectual impairments. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 4(5) DOI: 10.4073/csr.2008.5
Keywords: youth, personal assistance, disability, physical impairments, intellectual impairments,
Abstract: Studies urgently needed to assess effects of Personal Assistance for children and teens with both physical and intellectual impairments. Personal assistance is here defined as paid support of at least 20 hours per week for people with impairments. This review investigated the effectiveness of personal assistance versus any other form of care for children and adolescents with both physical and intellectual impairments. A literature search identified no studies that met the inclusion criteria. This review is part of a series of reviews; evidence from related reviews about different populations might be informative to researchers and practitioners.
Plain Language Summary:

Studies urgently needed to assess review, sum up, evaluate, to determine figure out, decide, find out, test value, find effects of Personal Assistance for children and

teens with both physical body, bodily, real and intellectual impairments

Personal assistance is here defined as paid support of at least 20 hours per week for

people with impairments. This review go over, check investigated the effectiveness of personal

assistance versus any other form of care for children and adolescents with both physical

and intellectual impairments. A literature search identified no studies that met the

inclusion criteria. This review go over, check is part of a series of reviews; evidence from related

reviews about different populations might be informative to researchers and practitioners.
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Record Updated:2017-03-08

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