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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Kampshoff, C. S., Jansen, F., van Mechelen, W., May, A. M., Brug, J., Chinapaw, M. J., & Buffart, L. M. (2014). Determinants of exercise adherence and maintenance among cancer survivors: a systematic review. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11(80). doi:10.1186/1479-5868-11-80
Keywords: Physical activity, Exercise, Intervention adherence, Determinants, Neoplasms, Behavior
Abstract: This review found moderate evidence for an association between pre-cancer exercise history and post-cancer exercise adherence. However, the latter was not reported to be consistently related to age, gender, education, to such psychological factors as self-efficacy, extraversion, attitude, or to such physical factors as cardiovascular fitness, body mass index, and fatigue.
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Record Updated:2016-07-26

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